This document describes how to install and configure ssh authentication using a TACACS+ server. It is assumed that the GNU/Linux system is Centos 7.
First make sure that the C developer tools and the development libraries for PAM and audit are installed on the system.
$ sudo yum groupinstall 'Development'
$ sudo yum install pam-devel
$ sudo yum install audit-libs-devel
Begin by building and installing the libpm_tacplus library. The reason we have to start with lib_tacplus is because the other libraries are dependent on it.
The build and installation procedure is that same for all four libraries, after cd into respective directory run the following commands:
$ autoreconf -i
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install
Create the file /etc/ with the following content:
Make sure the passwd section of /etc/nsswitch.conf contains the tacplus definition. Example:
passwd: tacplus files
Create 16 local users whose names are on the form tacacsX, where X is a number between 0 - 15. Also, create a home directory for the users, but there is no need for a password.
Copy the file /usr/local/etc/tacplus_servers to /etc/tacplus_servers and make sure it contains the shared tacacs secret and the ip-address of your tacacs servers.
Example Content:
Copy the file /usr/local/etc/tacplus_nss.conf to /etc/tacplus_nss.conf and make sure it has the following content:
Copy the file /usr/local/etc/audisp/audisp-tac_plus.conf to /etc/audisp/audisp-tac_plus.conf and add the following content:
Copy the file /usr/local/etc/audisp/plugins.d/audisp-tacplus.conf to /etc/audisp/plugins.d/audisp-tacplus.conf and make sure it contains the following:
active = yes # if no, accounting is disabled
direction = out
path = /usr/local/sbin/audisp-tacplus
type = always
format = string
Create the file /etc/pam.d/tacacs with the following content:
auth sufficient /usr/local/lib/security/ include=/etc/tacplus_servers
account sufficient /usr/local/lib/security/ include=/etc/tacplus_servers login=login protocol=ssh service=shell
session sufficient /usr/local/lib/security/ include=/etc/tacplus_servers login=login protocol=ssh service=shell
Then, edit /etc/pam.d/ssh and add the following line to the top of the file.
auth include tacacs