An extremely lightweight and powerful vanilla JavaScript completion suggester.
This is a fork of the original plugin developed by and released under the MIT License:
The original version can be found at:
This version is an adaptation specifically tailored for use by a modern Firefox/Chrome plugin. New features of ECMAScript 6 are used wherever possible.
- prevent submitting a form when enter key is pressed to choose a suggestion
- Change version to v2.0.0
- Mimic key/mouse-handling of standard Firefox autocomplete (down arrow or second mouse-click to trigger autocompletion)
- Remove mousedown eventhandler in destroy method
- Avoid using innerHTML assignment
- Change version to v1.1.0
- Converted into a class
- Revert to using 'off' as attribute value for disabling autocomplete
- Added fieldName parameter to suggest method
- changed minWidth to option, more variables renamed, ditch multibrowser support (support firefox and chrome)
- Display suggestion box on mousedown for an already focused element
- Forked the 10-10-2016 v1.0.4 Pixabay version
- Added minimum width of 100px for the suggestion box
- Use 'false' as attribute value for disabling autocomplete
- Add touchstart event
- Variables renamed, prettified, missing semicolons added, changed var to const or let, use classList