Repository associated with used to predict the stability of perovskites given composition
576 experimentally characterized ABX3 solids with classifications
comparison of tau predictions to calculated decomposition enthalpies
classification of Cs2BB'Cl6 and MA2BB'Br6 compounds
file of elemental electronegativities
file for extracting Shannon radii
inorganic cations from - adapted from
Sn2+ from 10.1039/C5SC04845A
organic ions from 10.1039/C4SC02211D
needed for yielding tau probabilities (see above)
converts Shannon_Effective_Ionic_Radii.csv into dictionary to be imported
contains classes for classifying single and double perovskites
PredictABX3(object) (input CC'X3; output A, B, X, nA, nB, nX, rA, rB, rX, t, tau, t_prediction, tau_prediction, tau_probability)
PredictAABBXX6(object) (input A1, A2, B1, B2, X1, X2; output nA, nB, nX, rA, rB, rX, t, tau, t_prediction, tau_prediction, tau_probability)
standalone demo of CC'X3 -> classification by tau
add classification to pandas DataFrame using classes in
file containing output from "classify_list_of_formulas.ipynb"