Releases: stjude/BAM2GFF
Releases · stjude/BAM2GFF
minor update:
- changed ordering method to "position weighted summation" (PWS) and moved to Rscript (potentially fixed banding in the heatmap)
PWS weights the bins based on their location in the matrix, where the farthest bin from the matrix midpoint are weighted the highest and the weight decreases as it approaches the middle of the matrix in either direction.
minor update:
- x-axis for heatmap plots
- changed heatmap.3 to heatmap.4
heatmap.4 version update:- added x-axis on heatmap plots for promoters & genebody (xoption)
- removed trace
- added "pdftools" R package to convert heatmap.pdf to heatmap.png and heatmap.jpg
- module change: optparse => argparse
- variable flank distance, default is 2kb
- docstrings
- removed options.feature
- processes both gtf & gff(gff3)
- added command line args(optparse)
- changed plot x-axis to genomic distance in kb
python2 to python3
python2 to python3
+ gtftogenes script
+ density plots
+ heatmaps
+ reorganization