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This repository contains materials for a StratumV2 Reference Implementation workshop.

  • For useful materials see the materials/ directory.

These instructions cover the setup required for the instructor running the Stratum V2 workshop.

  1. Configuring and hosting the slides to be accessible by the participants.
  2. Configuring a publicly accessible Genesis node for participants to sync their nodes.
  3. Configuring the block explorer to display participants' mined blocks.
  4. Setting up a reproducible build for participants using Docker.



The html/index.html is built with marp and is based on the md/ file, and is committed to this repo. To generate the html/index.html file on changes to, install marp on your system and run:

marp md/ -o html/sv2-workshop.html --theme-set css/sv2-workshop.css

Or, if using nix, run (assuming nix flakes are available):

nix run github:tweag/nix-marp -- md/ -o html/sv2-workshop.html --theme-set css/sv2-workshop.css


Serve the slides:

python3 -m http.server 8080

To make the slides accessible on the SRI VM for participants to view on their machines:

  1. Remote into the SRI VM.
  2. Create a new tmux session.
  3. cd ~/sv2-workshop.
  4. Make sure the correct workshop branch (or branch of your choosing) is checked out.
  5. Run the HTTP server.

Note: This can be done on any machine, however the slides specifically point the user to the SRI VM URL. If you choose to host the slides on another machine, remember to update the slides with the update endpoint.

Custom Signet

This workshop uses a custom signet for the following reasons:

  • We want a confined hashrate environment, so mainnet, testnet3, testnet4 and the public signet are ill suited.
  • regtest is too isolated and requires manual block generation, which is not practical for a collaborative workshop setting.
  • We will mine on a custom signet that does not require coinbase signatures.
  • This way, we can deploy pools + hashers and emulate a confined hashrate environment.

Participants will connect to this Genesis node to sync their blocks.

Genesis Node

The instructor can use the existing Genesis node hosted on the SRI VM, or spin up their own. The Genesis node should be configured via the materials/ script which:

  • Deploys a local signet.
  • Mines 16 blocks as bootstrapping for the SRI pool.

Before executing the script, ensure the following environment variables are defined:

$ export BITCOIND=$HOME/bitcoin/src/bitcoind
$ export BITCOIN_CLI=$HOME/bitcoin/src/bitcoin-cli
$ export BITCOIN_UTIL=$HOME/bitcoin/src/bitcoin-util
$ export MINER=$HOME/bitcoin/contrib/signet/miner
$ export BITCOIN_DATA_DIR=$HOME/.bitcoin

SRI Node

A Genesis node that is publicly accessible is needed for participants to sync their Bitcoin nodes. This can be set up by the instructor or use the existing SRI VM node.

If using the SRI hosted Genesis node, verify it is running by remoting into the SRI VM and finding its process:

ps -ef | grep -i bitcoind
> sri 3935787 1 0 Jun29 ? 01:19:13 /home/sri/btc_prague_workshop/bitcoin/src/bitcoind -signet -datadir=/home/sri/btc_prague_workshop/bitcoin_data_dir/ -fallbackfee=0.01 -daemon -sv2 -sv2port=38442

If spinning up a new node, see the instructions to install bitcoin-core in the Block Explorer section below.

Block Explorer

A block explorer is needed to display participants' mined blocks on the custom signet. A custom signet Bitcoin node, electrs, and is used for this purpose.

Note: The steps for deploying a local have not yet been automated and will need to be performed manually.

Note: The Genesis node can also be used for this purpose. A second Bitcoin node for the block explorer only is needed if the instructor is running the block explorer on another machine (like their local machine).

Custom Signet bitcoin-core


Install the required bitcoin-core fork by building from Sjors's sv2-tp-0.1.9 tag:

git clone
cd bitcoin
git fetch --all
git checkout sv2-tp-0.1.9
cmake -B build
cmake --build build  # use "-j N" for N parallel jobs


Ensure the bitcoin.conf in the datadir contains:

signetchallenge=51      # OP_TRUE
connect=  # Genesis Node


Add the Bitcoin binaries to $PATH:

echo 'export PATH="$HOME/bitcoin/src:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc && export PATH="$HOME/bitcoin/src:$PATH"

Start the Bitcoin node:

bitcoind -datadir=$HOME/.bitcoin-sv2-workshop -signet -sv2



Clone, checkout the v0.10.5 branch, and configure:

git clone
cd electrs
git checkout v0.10.5
cat << EOF > electrs.toml


Run the server:

cargo run -- --signet-magic=54d26fbd


Clone and checkout the v2.5.0 branch:

git clone
cd mempool
git checkout v2.5.0


The Docker deployment is used with the following adjustments to the docker/docker-compose.yml:

git diff docker/docker-compose.yml
diff --git a/docker/docker-compose.yml b/docker/docker-compose.yml
index 68e73a1c8..300aa3d80 100644
--- a/docker/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/docker/docker-compose.yml
@@ -14,9 +14,12 @@ services:
       - 80:8080
-      MEMPOOL_BACKEND: "none"
+      MEMPOOL_BACKEND: "electrum"
+      ELECTRUM_HOST: "host.docker.internal"  # or the IP address of the Electrum server
+      ELECTRUM_PORT: "60601"  # match this with the port on which electrs is listening
+      ELECTRUM_TLS_ENABLED: "false"
-      CORE_RPC_HOST: ""
+      CORE_RPC_HOST: "host.docker.internal"
-      CORE_RPC_PORT: "8332"
+      CORE_RPC_PORT: "38332"
       CORE_RPC_USERNAME: "mempool"
       CORE_RPC_PASSWORD: "mempool"
       DATABASE_ENABLED: "true"


Start the Docker container:

docker-compose up

Navigate to the exposed localhost endpoint.

Docker Build For Participants

The materials/Dockerfile contain the Docker image with the following installed, configured, and built:

  1. Sjors's sv2-tp-0.1.9: Used for the Pool and Miner Roles.
  2. cpuminer v2.5.1: Used as hasher for the Miner Role.
  3. stratum - workshop branch: The roles/ crates are used to run the Pool and Miner Roles.

To support participants opening multiple terminal sessions, tmux is used. A tmux.conf is instantiated by the Docker image with the materials/ This tmux.conf will allow users to navigate between tmux panes with a mouse click and also includes a few more customizations for ease of use.

Build/Update Docker Image (Instructor Only)

Note: This is connected to the rrybarczyk Docker Hub account and should eventually be transferred to a SRI Docker Hub account.

Local Build and Run

Build the image for both AMD64 and ARM architectures then run the image locally:

cp materials/ /usr/local/bin/
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t sv2-workshop:latest .
docker run -it --rm sv2-workshop:latest

For a faster local build time, use:

docker build -t sv2-workshop:latest .

Production Docker Hub

Initial setup request login and establishing the tag (after locally building):

docker login
docker tag sv2-workshop:latest rrybarczyk/sv2-workshop:latest

Push to Docker Hub:

docker push rrybarczyk/sv2-workshop:latest

A single command to build and push to Docker Hub:

docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 -t rrybarczyk/sv2-workshop:latest --push .


StratumV2 Reference Implementation Workshop







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Contributors 4
