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grant_____ edited this page Apr 8, 2020 · 36 revisions

Welcome to the wiki!

This is the wiki for all things disaster radio. All detailed information and research regarding the project should be stored here. For a general introduction to the project see our website,

If you would like to contribute to the development of, see our project board.


  • Antennas and impedance matching: Learning resources and VNA comparison
  • Archived Goals: a list of past projects
  • Devices & Hardware: Table of supported development boards
  • Layered Model: Description of the disaster radio networking stack.
  • LoRa: Info on the LoRa modulation scheme
  • Power: Power consumption, solar power, batteries, etc.
  • Protocol: Details the LoRaLayer2 routing protocol used in communication
  • Use Cases: Real-life examples of communities that could benefit from this project, whose particular needs and environments should principally shape future development.

Existing work

There are a number of projects similar to disaster radio that are being developed by folks around the world. Below are FOSS-oreinted projects that solve similar problems to Credit to Nico Pace for originally compiling this list.

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