This program utilizes face, body, hand, and pose detectors using the mediapipe library to analyze images and video streams.
To install this program, follow these steps:
- Install the required libraries
:pip install opencv-python mediapipe
Clone the repository containing the file:
git clone <reponing_git_manziili>
Run the file:
Face Detector: Outlines the center of detected faces in red, using results.face_landmarks. Pose Detector: Identifies the body's landmarks and draws connections using results.pose_landmarks. Hand Detectors: Identifies and displays landmarks for the right and left hands using results.right_hand_landmarks and results.left_hand_landmarks. Upon execution, the program will display the landmarks for face, body, hands, and connections on the screen.
Ensure your camera is enabled to observe the program in action. For any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me via email: [email protected].