composer require 'sunrise/http-router-openapi:^2.1'
use Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface;
use Sunrise\Http\Router\OpenApi\Object\Info;
use Sunrise\Http\Router\OpenApi\OpenApi;
use Sunrise\Http\Router\OpenApi\RouteInterface;
$openapi = new OpenApi(new Info('Acme', '1.0.0'));
// Passing PSR-16 cache to the openapi object:
/** @var CacheInterface $cache */
// Passing all routes to the openapi object:
/** @var RouteInterface[] $routes */
// When using Sunrise Router:
/** @var \Sunrise\Http\Router\Router $router */
// Converting the openapi object to JSON document:
// Converting the openapi object to YAML document:
// Converting the openapi object to an array:
Converts an operation part to JSON Schema.
Validates a request using a route description.
use Sunrise\Http\Router\OpenApi\Middleware\RequestValidationMiddleware;
use Sunrise\Http\Router\OpenApi\OpenApi;
/** @var OpenApi $openapi */
$middleware = new RequestValidationMiddleware($openapi);
Generates OpenAPI document.
use Sunrise\Http\Router\OpenApi\Command\GenerateOpenapiDocumentCommand;
use Sunrise\Http\Router\OpenApi\OpenApi;
/** @var OpenApi $openapi */
$command = new GenerateOpenapiDocumentCommand($openapi);
php bin/app router:generate-openapi-document --help
Generates an operation part to JSON Schema.
use Sunrise\Http\Router\OpenApi\Command\GenerateJsonSchemaCommand;
use Sunrise\Http\Router\OpenApi\OpenApi;
/** @var OpenApi $openapi */
$command = new GenerateJsonSchemaCommand($openapi);
php bin/app router:generate-json-schema --help
The assertion fails if the given response body doesn't match a description of the operation identified by the given ID.
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Sunrise\Http\Router\OpenApi\Test\OpenapiTestKit;
class SomeTest extends TestCase
use OpenapiTestKit;
public function testResponseBodyMatchesDescription() : void
// some logic to run a route...
/** @var ResponseInterface $response */
$this->assertResponseBodyMatchesDescription('', $response);
class SomeController
* @OpenApi\Operation(
* requestBody=@OpenApi\RequestBody(
* content={
* "application/json": @OpenApi\MediaType(
* schema=@OpenApi\Schema(
* type="object",
* properties={
* "foo": @OpenApi\Schema(
* type="string",
* ),
* },
* ),
* ),
* },
* ),
* responses={
* 200: @OpenApi\Response(
* description="Ok",
* ),
* },
* )
public function someAction()
Look for more examples here: Some App