This section provides instructions to download the SUPERSEDE platform containers, build the container images and start up the platform. Instructions are given for Linux-based OS. For other OSs, adapt the instructions accordingly.
- Docker: To get, install and start Docker as a service in your computer, follow the instructions given at:
- Docker Compose: follow this instructions to get and install Docker Compose:
Once Docker is installed and running, proceed with the following instructions to obtain the SUPERSEDE platform containers and start up the platform:
- Clone the SUPERSEDE platform containers repository from GitHub, using:
git clone
- Change to the docker directory created. In a CMI execute the script:
./ <[email protected] password>
Ask the SUPERSEDE Administrator for the supersede account of the server. The script will prompt you for your root account, required to start the Docker daemon. This script will take long time to download the dependencies and create the images, but this process takes place only once. 3. To start up the entire platform, any time, execute the following script in CMI:
./docker-compose -f docker_compose_supersede.yml up
See deliverable D5.6 in Supersede Portal for more details about this Docker images, how to build them, and how to launch the SUPERSEDE platform components. See other deliverables (D1.X, D2.X, D3.X, D4.X) to configure and use individual SUPERSEDE components.
SUPERSEDE Docker images are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
Main contact: Jesús Gorroñogoitia [email protected]