- Basic calculation with
$+$ ,$-$ ,$\times$ ,$\div$ -
$\sqrt x$ ,$\sqrt[a]x$ ,$a^b$ -
$\sin x$ ,$\cos x$ ,$\tan x$ -
$\arcsin x$ ,$\arccos x$ ,$\arctan x$ -
$\sinh x$ ,$\cosh x$ ,$\tanh x$ -
$\ln x$ ,$\log_{10}x$ ,$\log_a x$ - Factorial
- Limits
- Differentiation
- Integration
- Solve equation
- CALC and STO (3 variables for now)
- Convert decimal places into fractions
- Accuracy upto 10 decimal places
- Cursor to move left and right
- Graph function
- Schematic: pcb_schematic.pdf
- PCB: pcb.pdf
- Project Report: Report.pdf