$ npm install lipstick-ecs --save
lipstick-ECS is a tiny ECS framework for js or ts especially. It is easy to use because of good generic constraints implemented by full use of Generics of Typescript.
I try to make it support iteration of complex component combinations and keep it performant as possible. But there are still some unsatisfactory currently:
- If the number of entities exceeds 100k, it is better not to choose lipstick-ecs at present.
- The most consumptive operation is assigning a being watched component.
- Assigning 22k being watched components takes 70ms.(10ms to create 22k component object)
- Test in CPU: 3.40GHz Node: v10.11.0
import { EntityAdmin, System, Component, IFilter } from "lipstick-ecs";
class Position extends Component {
public x: number;
public y: number;
constructor(x: number, y: number) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
class Velocity extends Component {
public vx: number = 0;
public vy: number = 0;
class Color extends Component { }
class Shape extends Component { }
class PlayerID extends Component { }
class PlayerName extends Component { }
class HiddenDisplay extends Component { }
const Match: IFilter = {
all_of: [Position, Color, Shape],
any_of: [PlayerID, PlayerName],
none_of: [HiddenDisplay],
class MovementSystem extends System {
public static Update(admin: EntityAdmin, deltatime: number): void {
for (const pos of admin.GetComponentsByTuple(Position, Velocity)) {
const vel: Velocity = pos.SureSibling(Velocity);
pos.x += vel.vx * deltatime;
pos.y += vel.vy * deltatime;
class RendererSystem extends System {
public static Update(admin: EntityAdmin, deltatime: number): void {
for (const ent of admin.GetEnttsByFilter(Match)) {
const pos: Position = admin.SureComponentByEntity(ent, Position);
const color: Color = admin.SureComponentByEntity(ent, Color);
const shape: Shape = pos.SureSibling(Shape);
if (admin.HasComponent(ent, HiddenDisplay)) {
console.log("won't print this message...");
} else {
console.log("yes, the entity has not HiddenDisplay components.");
// do something for RendererSystem ...
if (pos.x > 6) {
// ...
const admin = new EntityAdmin();
admin.CreateEntity(new Position(22, 33), new Color(), new Shape(), new PlayerID());
admin.CreateEntity(new PlayerID());
const ent = admin.CreateEntity();
admin.AssignComponents(ent, new Shape(), new Color());
setInterval(() => { admin.UpdateSystems(); }, 200);
I'm going to refactor code to improve performance of lipstick-ecs. And it's interfaces won't be changed as possible.