Password Generator This project is a simple password generator built with HTML, Tailwind CSS, and JavaScript. It features a responsive UI and allows users to customize password length and criteria using checkboxes. The password strength is visually indicated, and users can copy the generated password to the clipboard.
Features Password Length Adjustment: Use a slider to set the desired password length. Customizable Criteria: Include or exclude uppercase letters, lowercase letters, symbols, and numbers. Strength Indicator: Visual feedback on password strength based on selected criteria and length. Copy to Clipboard: Copy the generated password with a single click. Code Overview HTML: Provides the structure for the password generator interface. Tailwind CSS: Used for styling and responsive design. JavaScript: Handles password generation, user interactions, and clipboard functionality. Usage Adjust the password length using the slider. Select the criteria for the password (e.g., uppercase, symbols). Click "Generate Password" to create a password based on the selected criteria. Click the copy icon to copy the password to your clipboard.