Scoring for the classical game of ten pin
- Given a list of scores:
- Validates the input scores
- Builds the score card
- jvm
- clojure
is the main function. Accepts a list of scores- it validates a list of scores and takes care of cases like:
- Too many scores in the input list
- Extra turn when the last one is a strike or spare
- Invalid score combination (i.e > 10) for a given turn
- For an input like
[1 9 2 4 10 10 10 7 1 2 8 7 0 0 0 10 1 9]
it gives an output as:where{:turns ({:first-pins 1, :second-pins 9, :curr-turn-score 12, :score 12, :turn-type :spare} {:first-pins 2, :second-pins 4, :curr-turn-score 6, :score 18, :turn-type :open} {:first-pins 10, :second-pins nil, :curr-turn-score 30, :score 48, :turn-type :strike} {:first-pins 10, :second-pins nil, :curr-turn-score 27, :score 75, :turn-type :strike} {:first-pins 10, :second-pins nil, :curr-turn-score 18, :score 93, :turn-type :strike} {:first-pins 7, :second-pins 1, :curr-turn-score 8, :score 101, :turn-type :open} {:first-pins 2, :second-pins 8, :curr-turn-score 17, :score 118, :turn-type :spare} {:first-pins 7, :second-pins 0, :curr-turn-score 7, :score 125, :turn-type :open} {:first-pins 0, :second-pins 0, :curr-turn-score 0, :score 125, :turn-type :open} {:first-pins 10, :second-pins 1, :curr-turn-score 20, :score 145, :turn-type :strike, :third-pins 9}), :status :over}
gives the elaborate score card andstatus
denotes of game has started/ on-going/ over andthird-pins
only appear in the last turn score if it is a strike or spare
- it validates a list of scores and takes care of cases like:
- The function signature accepts a list of scores so frontend has to store minimum data as game state
- Used minimum clojure features
- Used recursion where possible
- Would like to improve the validation function to precisely say why the validation failed
- Would definitely like to refactor the code to reduce procedural conditions and make more functional
lein test