A toolkit for #1millionwomentotech community.
- Github flavored markdown
- YouTube invitation to Social Hack on June 30
- https://medium.com/crowdbotics/how-to-create-your-very-own-facebook-messenger-bot-with-dialogflow-and-node-js-in-just-one-day-f5f2f5792be5
- https://developers.facebook.com/products
- https://blog.hartleybrody.com/fb-messenger-bot/
- https://wit.ai/
- https://messenger.fb.com/developers
- https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/getting-started/quick-start
- As a visitor to https://facebook.com/1millionwomentotech I would like to get a good, detailed, and preferably funny answer to my question about the Summer of Code.
- As a 1MWTT Volunteer I would like to automate the General FAQ: http://bit.do/SOCfaq