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Slack connector for Microsoft BotBuilder.

This connector was created at Suttna to tackle some of the limitations of BotFramework's current Slack connector.

‼️‼️For FULL BotFramework's connector compatibility use [email protected]‼️‼️



By using this connector you will be communicating with Slack directly. You are in total control of the OAuth process. This opens the possibility of knowing what user has installed the bot for example.


Their is no middleman that intercepts the messages. You are connected directly to slack so you can expect faster response/delivery times.


For a long time the Slack markdown formatting has been broken in botframework. Now you are able to use the Slack formatting rules to customize your messages.


The current implementation of BotFramework limits the events that you can receive, not all of them are implemented. Now you can expect the following events to be handled correctly:

  • channel_archive
  • channel_created
  • channel_deleted
  • channel_rename
  • channel_unarchive
  • group_archive
  • group_rename
  • group_unarchive
  • member_joined_channel
  • member_left_channel

Note: All this events are emitted as conversationUpdate events. Be careful with the user property of the address. For member_joined_channel and member_left_channel the user in the address is the user that joined or left the channel. For the other events the user is the bot for the moment.


You can setup slack commands and use them with your bot. When configuring commands, your bot will emit a new event with type slackCommand.


The idea of the initial implementation is that you can easily migrate from running Slack with BotFramework. This connector is almost 100% compatible. A few small but important differences:


BotFramework's Slack connector marks the property address.conversation.isGroup to true if more than one user is in the conversation. At the moment, the connector does not have a cache or extension point to query this information. isGroup property will be true if the communication is happening in a public or private channel. For direct messages the property will be false.


At the moment, the mentions that are loaded in the entities property of a message will not have the user's name. This is because Slack is not sending this information any longer in the mention itself. We will solve this problem soon.


yarn add botbuilder-slack

To run the code in master branche:

yarn add botbuilder-slack@next


In order to use all the connector features you will need to configure Slack's OAuth, Slack's Event Subscriptions, Slack's Interactive messages and Slack's commands. Configure only the options that your bot is going to use.


You need to setup the base URL where your bot is going to handle the OAuth process. Check the connector constructor settings for more information on the available options.

After a user has installed the bot, installationUpdate event is going to be emitted. The address will contain the installer information in the sourceEvent. The address will set the user property as the bot to be compatible with BotFramework. The sourceEvent in this case will be the response from calling Slack's api method oauth.access.

Event Subscriptions

You need to setup a URL that will listen for this events. Look at the usage example to have a better understanding. The complete list of events that you need to register are the following:

  • message.channels
  • message.groups
  • message.mpim
  • channel_archive
  • channel_deleted
  • channel_rename
  • channel_unarchive
  • group_archive
  • group_rename
  • group_unarchive
  • member_joined_channel
  • member_left_channel

Interactive Messages

You need to setup a URL that will listen for interactive message callbacks. Look at the usage example to have a better understanding.


You need to setup a URL that will listen for commands. Look at the usage example to have a better understanding.

bot.on("slackCommand", (event) => {
  const commandName = context.sourceEvent.SlackMessage.command
  const dialogName = commandName.split("/")[1]
  bot.beginDialog(event.address, `${dialogName}:/`)


By default, replies to user's messages are threaded. This means that if you want to have an unthreaded conversation with a user you will need to manually change the address. This mimics what Microsoft Teams does. A conversation id will look like this BXXX:TXXX:CXXX;messageid=123456.

bot.dialog("/", (session) => { =";")[0]

  session.endDialog("Am I in a thread?") // No, this created a separate message

Data Cache

If you want to enrich the data the connector sends to your bot, you can provide a ISlackDataCache. At the moment the data cache is only used for:

  • Adding the user's name in the address
  • Adding the user's name to a mention.


import * as restify from 'restify'
import { UniversalBot, IEvent, IIdentity } from "botbuilder"
import { SlackConnector } from "botbuilder-slack"

type BotCache = { [key: string]: { identity: IIdentity, token: string } }

const botsCache: BotCache = {}

const connectorSettings = {
  botLookup: (teamId: string) => {
    const botEntry = botsCache[teamId]

    if (botEntry) {
      return Promise.resolve([botEntry.token,] as [string, string])
    } else {
      return Promise.reject(new Error('Bot not found'))
  botName: process.env.SLACK_BOT_NAME,
  verificationToken: process.env.SLACK_VERIFICATION_TOKEN,
  clientId: process.env.SLACK_CLIENT_ID,
  clientSecret: process.env.SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET,
  redirectUrl: process.env.SLACK_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL,
  onOAuthSuccessRedirectUrl: process.env.SLACK_OAUTH_ON_SUCCESS_REDIRECT_URL,
  onOAuthErrorRedirectUrl: process.env.SLACK_OAUTH_ON_ERROR_REDIRECT_URL,
  onOAuthAccessDeniedRedirectUrl: process.env.SLACK_OAUTH_ON_ACCESS_DENIED_REDIRECT_URL

const connector = new SlackConnector(connectorSettings)

const bot = new UniversalBot(connector)
const app = restify.createServer()


bot.on('installationUpdate', (event: IEvent) => {`New bot installed by ${event.sourceEvent.SlackMessage.user_id}`)

  botsCache[event.sourceEvent.SlackMessage.team_id] = {
    token: event.sourceEvent.ApiToken

bot.dialog('/', (session) => {

app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log("Bot is listening...")
})'/slack/events', connector.listenEvents())'/slack/interactive', connector.listenInteractiveMessages())'/slack/command', connector.listenCommands())
app.get('/slack/oauth', connector.listenOAuth())


Take a look at the prebuilt example for more information here.


You can find the documentation reference here.


If you want to help on improving this connector, adding more features and trying to standardize how bots communicate, please contact us at [email protected].

