This code base is now deprecated. Those interested in using an R2S workflow using DAG-MCNP and ALARA are referred to the R2S-workflow that is now incorporated into the PyNE toolkit.
The Rigorous Two Step (R2S) method is used to determine the photon fluxes that result from neutron activation of materials for a given geometry. This repository is set of scripts used to carry out an R2S workflow using the DAG-MCNP and ALARA codes. For more information on the workflow itself, see the documentation, including a user-guide and faq.
R2S-ACT is primarily a set of Python scripts, located in the scripts/ folder. Additionally, R2S-ACT implements mesh-based photon source sampling in DAG-MCNP, using a custom source.F90 module. This source routine and related files are in mcnp_source/. Documentation is a mix of static and automatically generated content, located in docs/, and is rebuilt with Sphinx, via the script.
R2S-ACT has numerous dependencies:
- Python 2.6+
- DAG-MCNP5 compiled with a custom R2S-ACT source.F90 file from mcnp_source/, from
- CubIt, from
- ALARA, from
- Mesh Oriented Data Base (MOAB), from
- PyTAPS, the Python interface for ITAPS, (Interoperable Technologies for Advanced Petascale Simulations), from
- PyNE, Python for Nuclear Engineering, from (Has its own dependencies listed at
Aside from MCNP5 and CubIt, all other codes are open source with well documented installation instructions.
The user guide and other documentation is available at . Building the documentation requires Sphinx, from
Although not a dependency, the visualization program VisIT (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) is useful for visualizing results data stored on MOAB meshes in the .vtk format. Executables are available at