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This documentation is for prettier-plugin-svelte version 4 which only works with Svelte 5. See this branch for documentation of previous versions.

Prettier for Svelte components

Format your Svelte components using Prettier.


  • Format your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript using prettier
  • Format Svelte syntax, e.g. each loops, if statements, await blocks, etc.
  • Format the JavaScript expressions embedded in the Svelte syntax
    • e.g. expressions inside of {}, event bindings on:click="", and more

VS Code Extension

This plugin is bundled in the Svelte for VS Code extension. If you only format through the editor, you therefore don't need to do anything in addition.

The extension lets you define options through extension-specific configuration. These settings are ignored however if there's any configuration file (.prettierrc for example) present.

Prettier Plugin

Installing the plugin as a package allows:

  • customizing the formatting behavior
  • using the command line to format
  • using a different IDE
  • using the official VS Code Prettier extension to format Svelte files


  • prettier-plugin-svelte@4 only works with prettier@3
  • prettier-plugin-svelte@3 only works with prettier@3
  • prettier-plugin-svelte@2 only works with prettier@2


Install Prettier and the plugin as a dev dependency:

npm i --save-dev prettier-plugin-svelte prettier

Then create a .prettierrc configuration file:

// .prettierrc
    // ..
    "plugins": ["prettier-plugin-svelte"],
    "pluginSearchDirs": ["."], // should be removed in v3
    "overrides": [{ "files": "*.svelte", "options": { "parser": "svelte" } }]

If you want to customize some formatting behavior, see section Options.

CLI Usage

Format your code using the Prettier CLI.

npx prettier --write .

As part of your scripts in package.json:

// package.json
    // ..
    "scripts": {
        "format": "prettier --write ."

If you want to customize some formatting behavior, see section Options.


Configurations are optional

Make a .prettierrc file in your project directory and add your preferred options to configure Prettier. When using Prettier through the CLI, you can also pass options through CLI flags, but a .prettierrc file is recommended.

Svelte Sort Order

Sort order for svelte:options, scripts, markup, and styles.

Format: join the keywords options, scripts, markup, styles with a - in the order you want; or none if you don't want Prettier to reorder anything.

Default CLI Override API Override
options-scripts-markup-styles --svelte-sort-order <string> svelteSortOrder: <string>

The options order option only exists since version 2. If you use version 1 of prettier-plugin-svelte, omit that option (so for example only write scripts-markup-styles).

Svelte Allow Shorthand

Option to enable/disable component attribute shorthand if attribute name and expression are same.


<!-- allowShorthand: true -->
<input type="text" {value} />

<!-- allowShorthand: false -->
<input type="text" value={value} />
Default CLI Override API Override
true --svelte-allow-shorthand <bool> svelteAllowShorthand: <bool>

Svelte Bracket New Line

Deprecated since 2.5.0. Use Prettier 2.4.0 and bracketSameLine instead.

Put the > of a multiline element on a new line. Roughly the Svelte equivalent of the jsxBracketSameLine rule. Setting this to false will have no effect for whitespace-sensitive tags (inline elements) when there's no whitespace between the > of the start tag and the inner content, or when there's no whitespace after the > of the end tag. You can read more about HTML whitespace sensitivity here. You can adjust whitespace sensitivity through this setting.


<!-- before formatting -->
<div pretend break>content</div>

<!-- after formatting, svelteBracketNewLine true -->

<!-- after formatting, svelteBracketNewLine false -->
Default CLI Override API Override
true --svelte-bracket-new-line <bool> svelteBracketNewLine: <bool>

Svelte Indent Script And Style

Whether or not to indent the code inside <script> and <style> tags in Svelte files. This saves an indentation level, but might break code folding in your editor.

Default CLI Override API Override
true --svelte-indent-script-and-style <bool> svelteIndentScriptAndStyle: <bool>

.prettierrc example

    "svelteSortOrder": "options-styles-scripts-markup",
    "svelteBracketNewLine": false,
    "svelteAllowShorthand": false,
    "svelteIndentScriptAndStyle": false

Usage with Tailwind Prettier Plugin

  • VS Code Extension: Use it as the default formatter for Svelte files
  • Prettier Plugin: Load the Tailwind plugin in the end - Tailwind docs
// .prettierrc
    // ..
    "plugins": [
        "prettier-plugin-tailwindcss" // MUST come last

Since we are using configuration overrides to handle svelte files, you might also have to configure the prettier.documentselectors in your VS Code settings.json, to tell Prettier extension to handle svelte files, like this:

// settings.json
    // ..
    "prettier.documentSelectors": ["**/*.svelte"]

Usage in the browser

Usage in the browser is semi-supported. You can import the plugin from prettier-plugin-svelte/browser to get a version that depends on prettier/standalone and therefore doesn't use any node APIs. What isn't supported in a good way yet is using this without a build step - you still need a bundler like Vite to build everything together as one self-contained package in advance.


For migration to prettier-plugin-svelte@3 see here.

Upgrade to Svelte 5 before upgrading to prettier-plugin-svelte@4, as it doesn't support older Svelte versions.

svelteStrictMode option has been removed. Attributes are now never quoted, because this will mean "stringify this attribute value" in a future Svelte version.


Why is the closing or opening tag (> or <) hugging the inner tag or text?

If you are wondering why this code

<span><span>assume very long text</span></span>

becomes this

      ><span>assume very long text</span

it's because of whitespace sensitivity. For inline elements (span, a, etc) it makes a difference when rendered if there's a space (or newline) between them. Since we don't know if your slot inside your Svelte component is surrounded by inline elements, Svelte components are treated as such, too. You can adjust this whitespace sensitivity through this setting. You can read more about HTML whitespace sensitivity here.