This project is meant to be helpful for those who want to quickly jump into a new flask project. Social Media Accounts, UserAccounts, Caching, Mail, User Registration, Roles, Python Script Commands, and Twitter Bootstrap are already configured.
The Flask Boilerplate Project consists of many projects merged into one to provide the most comprehensive boilerplate for your flask project. It is set up to quickly connect to Google Apps to start sending emails and is fully configurable.
Download via git:
git clone git://
Change into the cloned directory
cd FlaskBootstrapSecurity
Get VirtualEnv and VirtualEnvWrapper set up. See here for further details:
Create a virtualenvironment
mkvirtualenv environment
Install the required python dependancies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
As a temporary workaround, run this command to get a version of Flask-Social that works with the current mongoengine
pip install --upgrade
to change your mail server and other settings:class Config(object): SECRET_KEY = '{SECRET_KEY}' SITE_NAME = 'Flask Site' SITE_ROOT_URL = '' MEMCACHED_SERVERS = ['localhost:11211'] SYS_ADMINS = ['[email protected]'] # Mongodb support MONGODB_DB = 'testing' MONGODB_HOST = 'localhost' MONGODB_PORT = 27017 # Configured for GMAIL MAIL_SERVER = '' MAIL_PORT = 465 MAIL_USE_SSL = True MAIL_USERNAME = '[email protected]' MAIL_PASSWORD = '*********' DEFAULT_MAIL_SENDER = 'Admin < [email protected] >' # Flask-Security setup SECURITY_LOGIN_WITHOUT_CONFIRMATION = True SECURITY_REGISTERABLE = True SECURITY_RECOVERABLE = True SECURITY_URL_PREFIX = '/auth' SECUIRTY_POST_LOGIN = '/' # Flask-Social setup SOCIAL_TWITTER = { 'consumer_key': '', 'consumer_secret': '' }
Run a development server:
python runserver
####Required Python Projects:
- unittest2
- Flask
- Flask-Assets
- cssmin
- Flask-WTF
- Flask-Script
- Flask-Mail
- Flask-Cache
- python-memcached
- Flask-Security
- Flask-Social
- Flask-MongoEngine
####Non-Python Projects:
- Twitter Bootstrap
####Contributing Projects:
- The project's structure is built from this
- Flask-Security Example App
- uses some template macros
Run these commands by using python <command>
- Drops all Mongo documentspopulate_db
- Script to fill the database with new data (either for testing or for initial). You can edit thepopulate_data
command inflask_application/
(Right now it is set up to add Users.)runserver
- Runs a debug server- Commands included with Flask-Security can be found here: and by looking in
The base template is based off of Django-bootstrap and is found under: flask_application/templates/bootstrap/layouts/base_navbar_responsive.html
##Static Content This project is designed to use CSSMin and Flask-Assets to manage Assets to save on bandwidth and requests.
You can find this in the css_bootstrap
block of the layout template. You can also simply edit static/css/site.css
as that is included in the base setup.
##Encoding and Decoding Id's Sometimes you won't want simple URLs revealing the order of the object ids. For example:
So you can use encode_id
and decode_id
found in flask_application/
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.