1, Make sure redis server is running
1, Customise supervisord.conf and rq_supervisor_mac.conf 2, Follow these steps to setup rq with supervisord:
pip install supervisor
sudo cp supervisord.conf /usr/local/share/supervisord.conf
sudo supervisord -c supervisord.conf
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/supervisor/conf.d/
sudo cp rq_supervisor_mac.conf /usr/local/share/supervisor/conf.d/rq_supervisor.conf
sudo supervisorctl -c supervisord.conf reread
sudo supervisorctl -c supervisord.conf update
Follow the steps in the Vagrant file
Start rq workers and place a 1000 requests of counting the number of words at nvie.com:
python test_queue.py
Poll rq info every 10 sec to see how the queue is going
rq info -i 10
Setup RabbitMQ
Setup celery
Start celery workers and place a 1000 requests of counting the number of words at nvie.com:
celery -A celery_worker worker --loglevel=info --concurrency=4
python test_celery_queue.py
celery flower
Barbaric evaluation using a stopwatch and watching how empty the message queues are to measure message throughput.