is a Vim plugin that runs the currently open file through
JSLint, a static syntax and style checker for
JavaScript source code.
This is mainly inspired by the great vim-flake8 plugin, that runs the currently open file through Flake8
Install JSLint via npm:
npm install jslint -g
Use vundle if you're not using it already. Then, simply put
Bundle 'sweh/vim-jslint'
into your ~/.vimrc and run:
:so ~/.vimrc
- Open a JavaScript file
- Press
to runjslint
on it
It shows the errors inside a quickfix window, which will allow your to quickly jump to the error locations by simply pressing [Enter].
If you don't want to use the <F7>
key for jslint-checking, simply remap it to
another key. It autodetects whether it has been remapped and won't register
the <F7>
key if so. For example, to remap it to <F3>
instead, use:
autocmd FileType javascipt map <buffer> <F3> :call JSLint()<CR>
To customize the location of your jslint binary, set g:jslint_cmd
let g:jslint_cmd="/opt/strangebin/jslint000"
A tip might be to run the JSLint check every time you write a JavaScript file,
to enable this, add the following line to your .vimrc
file (thanks
autocmd BufWritePost *.js call JSLint()
1.0: Initial version.