This crate is designed to interact with Switchboard on-demand, the Crossbar service, and queue gateways.
A middleman service to fetch oracle jobs from IPFS and to return feed price simulations. This is useful for updating a price constantly instead of sending requests directly to oracles.
The frontend to interact with Switchboard oracles.
async fn main() {
let client = RpcClient::new("".to_string());
let queue_key = Pubkey::from_str("FfD96yeXs4cxZshoPPSKhSPgVQxLAJUT3gefgh84m1Di").unwrap();
let feed = Pubkey::from_str("7Zi7LkGGARDKhUEFPBUQDsVZ9L965LPEv2rBRdmSXCWh").unwrap();
let kp = read_keypair_file("authority.json").unwrap();
let queue = QueueAccountData::load(&client, &queue_key).await.unwrap();
let gw = &queue.fetch_gateways(&client).await.unwrap()[0];
let crossbar = CrossbarClient::default(None);
let feed_data = PullFeed::load_data(&client, &feed).await.unwrap();
let feed_hash = feed_data.feed_hash();
let simulation = crossbar.simulate_feeds(&[&feed_hash]).await.unwrap();
println!("simulation: {:#?}", simulation);
let (ix, responses, num_success, luts) = PullFeed::fetch_update_ix(
FetchUpdateParams {
payer: kp.pubkey(),
gateway: gw.clone(),
crossbar: Some(crossbar),
let blockhash = client.get_latest_blockhash().await.unwrap();
let msg = Message::try_compile(
let versioned_tx = VersionedTransaction::try_new(V0(msg), &[&kp]).unwrap();
let result: Response<RpcSimulateTransactionResult> = client
println!("ix: {:#?}", result);