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SkyWeather software - Release software for SwitchDoc Labs Python Raspberry Pi Weather Station project

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SkyWeather Libraries and Examples for Raspberry Pi Solar Powered Weather Station

Supports SwitchDoc Labs WeatherRack PiWeather Board


  • December 15, 2019: Version 055 - MySQL SolarMAX Fixes
  • November 27, 2019: Version 054 - Fixed reporting of SolarMAX inside temperature/humidity
  • November 26, 2019: Version 053 - Update Blynk with latest SolarMAX Packet Status
  • November 2, 2019: Version 052 - Fixed WeatherUnderground URL and Added more debug for LoRa WXLink
  • October 15, 2019: Version 051 - Added support for SolarMAX Lead Acid - Must update if used
@@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ runLEDs = False
 SolarMAX_Present = False
 Dual_MAX_WXLink = False

# SolarMAX_Type = "LEAD" for SolarMAX Lead Acid
# SolarMAX_Type = "LIPO" for SolarMAX LiPo
SolarMAX_Type = ""
  • October 14, 2019: Version 050 - Fixed Camera Detection on Buster
  • October 12, 2019: Version 049 - Fixed BlynkBug / AM2315 Bug
  • September 29, 2019: Version 048 - Fixed SolarMAX bug
  • September 1, 2019: Version 047 - Fixed to Camera Exposure, Minor tweak to WeatherSTEM Interface and SolarMAX (added Version)
  • August 19, 2019: Version 046 - Minor Bug release (matplotlib, SolarMAX, blynk)
  • August 14, 2019: Version 045 - Camera Debug Support - SolarMAX support - Must update
  • August 12, 2019: Version 044 - Camera Debug Support - Overexposure problem
  • August 8, 2019: Version 043 - Improved AM2315 Detection, SQL Structure Fixed, time and date changed, debug for overexposure
  • August 6, 2019: Version 042 - Overlays, Lightning Params added - Must update if used
  • July 27, 2019: Version 041 - Fix to SHT30 for > 122 degrees
  • July 8, 2019: Version 040 - WeatherUnderground Fix, Support for SHT30- Must update if used
  • June 5, 2019: Version 039 - AM2315 Reliablity Fix
  • May 21, 2019: Version 038 - Blynk Bug Fix
  • May 21, 2019: Version 037 - Blynk Changes / Bug Fix
  • May 20, 2019: Version 036 - Fixed Barometric Pressure Reporting
  • May 12, 2019: Version 035 - Debug Statements removed
  • May 4, 2019: Version 034 - WeatherSTEM testing Version
  • May 1, 2019: Version 033 - WeatherSTEM API Started
  • April 29, 2019: Version 033 - WeatherSTEM Modification
  • April 28, 2019: Version 032 - Improved MySQL Reporting
  • April 28, 2019: Version 031 - Fixed WXLink Temperature Reporting
  • April 27, 2019: Version 030 - Modified test programs
  • April 20, 2019: Version 029 - Fixed Lightning_Mode added Image test to blynkCode
  • April 6, 2019: Version 028 - Support for WXLink - remote WeatherRack/Temp/Humidity
  • April 3, 2019: Version 027 - Mod AS3935 Interrupt, added AQI to Database
  • March 31, 2019: Version 026 - Fixed Pins for Optional Fan On/Off

New SD card configuration

This software requires Python 2 and will not work with Python 3. Support for Python 2 has been dropped in most new Raspberry Pi SD card images. For easiest setup please use a Buster compatible image. The last lite image provided by Rasbian is:

Please check your Python version before continuing using:

python -V

Which should report "Python 2.7.x"

If you are creating a new SD card image then you must configure the raspberry pi for your locale and to enable sensor interfaces using raspi-config. Use [tab] key to navigate between UI elements, [space] to select options, and [enter] to select buttons.

 sudo raspi-config
  • Select Option 3 Interface Options -> P4 SPI -> Yes to enable SPI.
  • Select Option 3 Interface Options -> P5 I2C -> Yes to enable I2C.

If not in UK set locale to your country

  • Select Option 5 Localisation Options -> L1 Locale -> Use [down arrow] to find your desired language code e.g. en_US.UTF-8 (for USA) -> Select using [space] -> [OK] -> Select default locale to match previous selection e.g. en_US.UTF-8 -> [OK]
  • Select Option 5 Localisation Options -> L2 Timezone -> e.g. America -> Los Angeles -> [OK]
  • Select Option 5 Localisation Options -> L3 Keyboard -> e.g. Generic 105 key Intl -> Select appropriate keyboard layout. For US first select "Other" then "English (US) -> [OK] -> Use defaults [OK] -> No Compose Key [OK]

If using Wifi:

  • Select Option 1 system Options -> S1 Wireless -> Select country [ok] -> Enter your wifi SSID [ok] -> Enter your wifi password [ok].

Optional but recommended:

Enable SSH to allow for remote command line interface.

  • Select Option 3 Interface Options -> P2 SSH -> Yes to enable SSH.

Change hostname:

  • Select Option 1 system Options -> S4 Hostname -> Enter your desired name e.g. "skyweatherpi" [enter]

Change "pi" user password:

IMPORTANT: If you have changed the keyboard layout please exit out of "raspi-config" and reboot before changing password.

  • Select Option 1 system Options -> S3 Password -> Enter your desired password [enter]

New SD: Install core requirements

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential python-smbus python-pip python-dev git libi2c-dev pigpio python-pigpio python-numpy python-matplotlib python-mpltoolkits.basemap python-picamera
sudo pip install --upgrade pip setuptools apscheduler requests

Install this next:

 cd ~
 git clone
 cd Adafruit_Python_PureIO
 sudo python install

New SD: Download SkyWeather

 cd ~
 git clone
 cd ~/SDL_Pi_SkyWeather/Adafruit_Python_BMP
 sudo python install
 cd ~/SDL_Pi_SkyWeather/Adafruit_Python_GPIO
 sudo python install
 cd ~/SDL_Pi_SkyWeather/Adafruit_Python_SSD1306
 sudo python install

New SD: Configuration settings

We recommend you copy to to avoid updates copying over your configuration file.

 cd ~/SDL_Pi_SkyWeather

Edit the setting:


New SD: Database configuration

If you plan on using the SQL database for data storage.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install mariadb-server python-mysqldb -y
sudo mysql_secure_installation
sudo mysql -u root -p < ~/SDL_Pi_SkyWeather/SkyWeatherSQLWeatherPiStructure.sql

More help installing sql server

Upgrading existing SD card

If you have an existing working SD card and wish to upgrade the SkyWeather code.

 cd ~/SDL_Pi_SkyWeather
 git pull

Existing SD: Updating

To merge new variables into your version for compatibility run this command:


Check your new settings:


Starting program

You start the program with two statements:

 sudo pigpiod
 sudo python

Auto start SkyWeather on Boot

Set up your rc.local for start on boot. Insert the following in your /etc/rc.local before the exit 0 statement:

 cd /home/pi/SDL_Pi_SkyWeather
 nohup sudo python &

More documentation

SkyWeather Product Page

SkyWeather Manual

SkyWeather Assembly Tips


If you have a WXLink wireless transmitter installed, the software assumes you have connected your AM2315 outdoor temp/humidity sensor to the WXLink. If you put another AM2315 on your local system, it will use those values instead of the WXLink values


SkyWeather software - Release software for SwitchDoc Labs Python Raspberry Pi Weather Station project






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