We assume ROS2 libraries are already installed and the distribution is newer or equal to galactic.
source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash
colcon build
source install/setup.bash
Launch a talker and a listener on different terminal windows respectively.
ros2 run cpp_pubsub talker
ros2 run cpp_pubsub listener
You can see error messages indicating the limitation on the size of the messages.
1660812920.773519 [0] recvUC: dropping oversize (2147483664 > 2147483647) sample 1 from remote writer 74e91001:b7595080:bd9c357:1503 rt/topic/interfaces::msg::dds_::DynamicSizeArray_
1660812923.804118 [0] recvUC: dropping oversize (2147483664 > 2147483647) sample 2 from remote writer 74e91001:b7595080:bd9c357:1503 rt/topic/interfaces::msg::dds_::DynamicSizeArray_
1660812926.797288 [0] recvUC: dropping oversize (2147483664 > 2147483647) sample 3 from remote writer 74e91001:b7595080:bd9c357:1503 rt/topic/interfaces::msg::dds_::DynamicSizeArray_
1660812929.817960 [0] recvUC: dropping oversize (2147483664 > 2147483647) sample 4 from remote writer 74e91001:b7595080:bd9c357:1503 rt/topic/interfaces::msg::dds_::DynamicSizeArray_
1660812932.803308 [0] recvUC: dropping oversize (2147483664 > 2147483647) sample 5 from remote writer 74e91001:b7595080:bd9c357:1503 rt/topic/interfaces::msg::dds_::DynamicSizeArray_
Launch a RouDi daemon for IceOryx communication.
iox-roudi -c roudi_config.toml
Launch a talker and a listener on different terminal windows respectively.
CYCLONEDDS_URI=file://$PWD/cyclonedds.xml ros2 run cpp_pubsub iox_talker
CYCLONEDDS_URI=file://$PWD/cyclonedds.xml ros2 run cpp_pubsub iox_listener
Confirm that huge data (>2GiB) can be communicated powered by IceOryx.
You can also try true zero copy communication powered by the loan API.
CYCLONEDDS_URI=file://$PWD/cyclonedds.xml ros2 run cpp_pubsub iox_talker_loaned
CYCLONEDDS_URI=file://$PWD/cyclonedds.xml ros2 run cpp_pubsub iox_listener
Communication latency is drastically reduced by the true zero copy mechanism.
Apply this PR (https://github.com/ros2/rclcpp/pull/1657/files) as a patch, or the publisher and the subscriber will fail by std::bad_alloc
This bug is fixed in Humble and later versions.