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WARNING: farm-os-area-feature-proxy is now deprecated in favor of farmOS_wfs and will not be updated for farmOS 2.x.

farm-os-area-feature-proxy is a stand-alone proxy which makes a standard FarmOS installation accessible as a Web Feature Service (WFS) which can be used in programs such as Quantum GIS.

In practical terms, farm-os-area-feature-proxy provides bi-directional data flow between areas configured in FarmOS and vector feature layers in QGIS. This allows farm areas to be viewed/edited in the context of additional data with more powerful mapping tools than FarmOS currently provides.

Here are some examples of things which that might help with;

  • Easily use multiple "base maps" such as those provided by county GIS departments rather than just Google/OSM
  • Copy property boundaries or other features from existing GIS resources into the map and have them automatically converted to the correct CRS
  • Georeference raster images of a property from a drone and use that as a background layer for mapping complex gardens, buildings, hoop houses, etc
  • Use existing advanced digitalizing tools and plugins to draw precise dimensions, geometric patterns, angles, etc
  • (hypothetically) Import topo data then calculate average angle of incidence, hours of daylight, etc for each field/garden based on the surrounding hills and append this information to the FarmOS area description

Demo of FarmOS and Quantum GIS connected via the proxy;

Peek 2019-12-18 09-11


  • Only supports WFS 1.0.0 currently
  • Only supports features with single geometries
  • Only supports the area name, type, and description fields
  • Only supports EPSG:4326 spatial reference system
  • Doesn't return extents of feature layers (Mapping tools may not automatically zoom to show all features when first adding the feature layers)

Getting Started

Add the area-feature-proxy service to your FarmOS docker-compose.yml file;

      - www
    image: symbioquine/farm-os-area-feature-proxy:0.1.1
    command: --farm-os-url=http://www:80
      - '5707:5707'

The WFS service will now be running at http://localhost:5707 next time you run docker-compose up.

Use in QGIS

Configure a layer data source with the following parameters;

Name: FarmOSExample
URL: http://localhost:5707
Basic Authentication

The user name and password should be those of a user on your FarmOS site who is authorized to make restws requests. Useful background can be found at

Future Work

  • Improve extent handling
  • Support GeometryCollection features
  • See whether it is possible to model area_type field on features as an enum that QGIS would honor
  • See how OAuth2 authentication with FarmOS (ref: FarmOS#203) could work (QGIS has a plugin to support OAuth2, but more investigation is needed to see how transitive authentication could/should work with FarmOS)
  • break tx_drupal_rest_ws_client and tx_farm_os_client into separate repositories


Doesn't FarmOS already support mapping directly?

Yes, but it's convenient to be able to use the FarmOS data directly in fully-fledged GIS tools without importing/exporting the data or allowing direct DB access.

Why write a stand-alone proxy? Wouldn't it be better to build the WFS server functionality directly into FarmOS?

Possibly, but it would be more costly to get this proof-of-concept into a state where it could be a reasonable pull-request. Also, there are advantages in not bloating FarmOS with functionality that only some users will need.

Development Testing

You can also run farm-os-area-feature-proxy directly from a checked out copy of this repository;

docker run --name=farm-os-area-feature-proxy --rm -p 5707:5707 -it $(docker build -q src/) --farm-os-url=

Or when running against the FarmOS development docker-compose environment;

docker run --name=farm-os-area-feature-proxy --rm -p 5707:5707 --network=farm-os-development_default -it $(docker build -q src/) --farm-os-url=http://www:80

Now the proxy will be running at http://localhost:5707


Since farm-os-area-feature-proxy handles your FarmOS credentials you should consider your threat-model and probably host a secure endpoint.

Note: Many use-cases would be better served by an NGINX reverse-proxy which would provide much more control over protocols, ciphers, DH parameters, etc.

Create dev certificates using mkcert; (Obviously, production usage would involve obtaining real certificates - left as an exercise to the reader.)

mkdir devcerts && mkcert -key-file devcerts/key.pem -cert-file devcerts/cert.pem farmos.local *.farmos.local localhost ::1


      - www
    image: farm-os-area-feature-proxy:0.1.1
    command: --farm-os-url=http://www:80 --proxy-spec="ssl:5707:privateKey=/mnt/certs/key.pem:certKey=/mnt/certs/cert.pem"
      - './devcerts:/mnt/certs'
      - '5707:5707'


docker run --name=farm-os-area-feature-proxy --rm -p 5707:5707 -v $(pwd)/devcerts:/mnt/certs --network=farm-os-development_default -it $(docker build -q src/) --farm-os-url=http://www:80 --proxy-spec="ssl:5707:privateKey=/mnt/certs/key.pem:certKey=/mnt/certs/cert.pem"

Note: Don't forget to register the mkcert root CA in the QGIS settings if you want this to work reliably in QGIS.


Proxy access of FarmOS areas via the OGC WFS protocol






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