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Working with IP Addresses

Zane Hooper edited this page Mar 16, 2017 · 15 revisions


Create IpAddress objects out of strings.

$ips = app(App\Ip\IpService::class);
$text = implode("\n", [
    "some useless text",
    "more useless stuff,",
$result = $ips->find($text)->map(_call('__toString'))->all();
$result = [
$result = $ips->make("");
$result->forDB(); // == \DB::raw("X'".$result->hex()."'") == \DB::raw("X'7f000001'")
$result->hex(); // == '7f000001'
$result->str(); // == (string) $result == ''
$result->binary(); // == inet_pton('') == "\x7F\0\0\x01"
$result->asLong(); // == 2130706433

Database Storage

IPs should be stored using the IP Custom Type. This is a binary representation of the IP which can be used to easily and efficiently compute IP overlaps. Note that the IP custom type can store an IPv6 or IPv4 address. The database representation of an IpAddress is computed with the ->hex() method, but it is best to use the ->forDB() method which wraps it in a DB expression, adding the required X'<value>' to specify to MySQL that it is in hexadecimal format.

Finding matching IP Entities

Use App\Entity\LookupService to find Entities that overlap with a specific IP or IP Range:

$range = $this->ips->make('');
$this->lookup->overlapping($range)->get(); // [ Entity<>, Entity<> ]
$this->lookup->addr($range); // Entity<>
$range = $this->ips->make('');
$this->lookup->overlapping($range)->get(); // [ Entity<> ]