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These extra JS tests can be used to extend the Sunspider performance
benchmark incuded in Webkit. Simply copy these files to:


directory and add these tests to the LIST file.

You can execute the tests by the offical script:



One line descriptions about the benchmarks:

WS-IEEE754Conv.js  - convert hexadecimal memory dumps to floating point numbers
WS-bubbleSort.js   - bubble short an array
WS-des.js          - des encoding a string
WS-dicePoker.js    - dice poker using 5, six sided dices
WS-email.js        - validate email addresses
WS-factor.js       - number factoring
WS-floyd.js        - Floyd-Warshal algorithm
WS-formatNumber.js - format floating point numbers
WS-genetic.js      - Solving the traveling-salesman problem with genetic algorithm
WS-huffman.js      - Huffman coding
WS-longFact.js     - the decimal numbers are stored in strings
WS-quickSort.js    - quick sort algorithm
WS-randPrime.js    - fast find a prime number in the given range
WS-redBlackTree.js - a red-black tree implementation (insert, find, remove)
WS-solve.js        - very simple linear equation solver
WS-wordreplace.js  - replacing whole words
WS-xmlParser.js    - parsing XML tree


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