A quick inspection & dumper tool for your past matches data,
demolinks, roundstats and more
But also a data source tool direclty expose protobuf::Steam-CSGO-GCmessages
by using a 'real' steam_api.dll in c++ hooking into your local running SteamClient.
#** Use at OWN risk ** #
- alpha v0.9.2 Windows
CSGO_MM_Link.exe -perf -self -pause
-> short past matches performance of YOU + hold in the end
CSGO_MM_Link.exe -matches -demo
-> your past matches + demolink
CSGO_MM_Link.exe -scores
-> _all_ playerScores from your past matches
CSGO_MM_Link.exe -perf -self -demo
-> YOUR past matches performance(+demo) as well as your rank and wins
-h (elp) print this help text
-v (erbose) verbose
-V (ersion) print version information
-demo includes demoLinks in a lot of these outputs, LONG!
-scores | -noscores past matches detailedScoreboards
-matches | -nomatches past matches Summary
-perf | -noperf Your past matches performance in slim readable form
-self | -noself Your SteamID, AccountID, MM-Rank and recommends
-laststatus or -status console-status like output of your last MM, csgo-whois.com
-pause adds 'press to exit' to keep the consoleWindow open
-rawlist CMsgGCCStrike15_v2_MatchList.SerializeAsString()
-rawhello CMsgGCCStrike15_v2_MatchmakingGC2ClientHello.SerializeAsString()
or better, that was this project was actually made for :P
- generate project files with cmake
- compile