Stores and displays meshes in a half-edge mesh data structure. Loads in OBJ files and converts them into half-edge meshes. Mesh can be traversed by selecting vertices, edges, or faces in the menus on the GUI or by using the following keys:
N: selects the next half-edge of the currently selected half-edge
M: selects the symmetric half-edge of the currently selected half-edge
F: selects the face that the currently selected half-edge belongs to
V: selects the vertex that the currently selected half-edge points to
H: selects a half-edge pointing to the currently selected vertex
Add a vertex at the midpoint of selected edge
Triangulate selected face
Subdivide mesh (using Catmull-Clark subdivision)
Extrude selected face by one unit in the direction of the face's normal
Insert edge loop across the selected edge
Load json file holding skeleton information, bind the mesh to the skeleton using the "Skin" button, and modify the mesh by selecting then translating and rotating the joints