The Model Command Line Interface (M-CLI) is a minimalist tool designed for developers and AI enthusiasts. It enables private 1:1 communication with an AI language model hosted in the cloud, while allowing local file access and saving, clipboard integration, and console-specific output. This project is a specific application of an M-CLI that helps the user craft a deck of cards with a Platform Engineering theme. The artifacts are JSON files with the card specifications. These can be used in a data-merge with a visual template to generate printable images (ex. Illustrator).
- Private Communication: Interact with the AI model in a secure and private manner.
- Local File Access and Saving: Save artifacts generated by the model locally and retrieve them easily.
- Clipboard Integration: Seamlessly copy and paste text between the M-CLI and other applications.
- Console-Specific Output: Generate output optimized for console applications, including color-coded text and progress bars.
- Minimal Dependencies: Reduce dependencies to the bare necessities, ensuring a simple and efficient user experience.
This sample requires configuration setting in order to connect to remote services. You will need to define settings for Azure Open AI.
// Generated by Copilot
dotnet user-secrets set "AzureOpenAISettings:ApiKey" "<api-key>"
dotnet user-secrets set "AzureOpenAISettings:Endpoint" "<model-endpoint>"
dotnet user-secrets set "AzureOpenAISettings:ChatModelDeployment" "gpt-4o"