This game is a simple game betweeb 2 players in order to find a number that generated randomly in master. The first one who start the game is called master
and the next player called client
. When maste start the game a random number between 1-10 is generated and each player should guess the number. At the first, master enter a number then checked that this number is equal to the random number if it is so the current player is a winner else, the number * random number and sent to client. client, the other player, see it and guess what is the random number so enter a number. the number sent to server and it checked that is it the random number or not, if it is then the socond player is winner else the number * random number and show to master. this process continue until the guess number reach to 100 then current player loose the game.
stack techology
-spring boot -angular
lunch project
this project contains core and ui. so to lunch the core you need to start tomcat and to start ui you should start angular in webconsole folder.