The current incarnation of tODE is very loosely based upon the Topaz Programming Environment for GemStone/S.
The current implementation (still in development) uses a Pharo1.4 image as the GCI client running against a GemStone/S 3.1.0.x stone using version 1.0-beta.9 of GLASS.
See the Metacello installation instructions for details on installing Metacello.
Metacello new
baseline: 'Tode';
repository: 'github://dalehenrich/tode:master/repository';
load: 'GemStone Server'.
I have not renamed the Baseline ... yet
See the Gci client installation instructions.
Here's a video of my Smalltalks 2012 presentation: topez: A Stepping Stone to tODE.
Here's a recent screen shot: