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PHP imports formatter for Visual Studio Code.


  • vscode-php-imports.init: PHP Imports: Init
  • vscode-php-imports.format: PHP Imports: Format

Extension Settings

  • php-imports.formatOnSave: Automatically format imports before saving PHP file.
  • php-imports.order: Order of import sets and empty lines between them. An array of enums with possible values:
    • emptyLine
    • all.all
    • all.class
    • all.function
    • all.const
    • singleUses.all
    • singleUses.class
    • singleUses.function
    • singleUses.const
    • groupedUses.all
    • groupedUses.class
    • groupedUses.function
    • groupedUses.const
  • php-imports.sort.order: Order of first-level imports. Possible values: default (alphabetical) or natural (first longest, alphabetical).
  • php-imports.sort.nestedOrder: Order of second-level imports. Possible values: default (alphabetical) or natural (first longest, alphabetical).
  • php-imports.print.emptyLinesAfterImports: Count of empty lines between last import and the declaration after it.
  • php-imports.print.wrap.all: If set to false, multiple imports will be placed in single line wrapped only after exceeding line limit.
  • php-imports.print.wrap.limit: Line length limit before starting wrapping grouped imports. Set to false if you want to remove line length limit.
  • php-imports.psr12.enable: Enable PSR-12 imports formatting.
  • php-imports.psr12.isolateModifiers: Whether to put different modifiers (without modifier, const and function) to different groups.
  • php-imports.psr12.minNestedGroupNestedUsesCount: Minimum count of nested uses to make a nested group with them.
  • php-imports.psr12.minNestedGroupUsesCount: Mimimum count of uses to make a nested group with them.
  • php-imports.psr12.minGroupUsesCount: Mimimum count of uses of same namespace to make a group with them.
  • php-imports.custom.enable: Enable custom imports formatting.
  • php-imports.custom.isolateModifiers: Whether to put different modifiers (without modifier, const and function) to different groups.
  • php-imports.custom.include: A list of namespaces that should always be grouped. Can be used with wildcards (*) and double wildcards (**).
  • php-imports.custom.exclude: A list of namespaces that should never be grouped.
  • php-imports.unused.enable: Clean up unused imports.

Release Notes


  • Updated php-imports library to 0.5.2


  • Fixed release notes


  • Updated php-imports library to 0.5.0
  • Added grouped imports wrapping configuration


  • Added support for PHP declare syntax


  • Added init command that creates .phpimportsrc config from current workspace configuration
  • Added option to clean unused imports
  • Improved .phpimportsrc support
  • Better error and warning reporting
  • Updated php-imports library


  • .phpimportsrc file support
  • Allow trailing comma in group uses when parsing


  • Fix issue with namespaces or imports containing digits


  • Disable formatting in files without uses


  • Finally done with GitHub Actions


  • Use Github Actions instead of Travis CI for deployment


  • Fix issue when there is namespace and use with the same name and parent


  • Fixed indents detection
  • Activate extension when php file is opened
  • Update php-imports library


  • Detect file indentation when formatting before saving


  • Initial release


The project is released under the MIT license. Read the license for more information.