This repository contains the code for building the knowledge graph TaxGraph. For more information on TaxGraph see
Paper: A Knowledge Graph for Assessing Aggressive Tax Planning Strategies
A dump of the knowledge graph can be downloaded here.
Five path variables have to be specified in
before running the file to build the knowledge graph.
: This path points to a Golden Copy File containing information about legal entities. These files are published
by GLEIF and can be downloaded from
here. Download the LEI-CDF v2.1 file.
The code expects the file to be in CSV format. Our knowledge graph was build with the file from 2019-10-09 08:00.
: This path points to a Golden Copy File containing information about the relationships between legal
entities. These files are published by GLEIF and can be downloaded from
here. Download the RR-CDF v1.1 file.
The code expects the file to be in CSV format. Our knowledge graph was build with the file from 2019-10-09 08:00.
: This path points to a CSV file containing combinations of wikidata entity ID, postal code and label.
A compressed version of the file that we used can be found under data/wikidataCityData/wikidata_cities.csv.gz
The file can be decompressed by running gzip -dk wikidata_cities.csv.gz
: This path points to a file containing additional data retrieved from the
World Bank, the OECD and Wikidata. This
file can be created by running
. The file that we used for building our version of the
knowledge graph can be found under data/additionalData/2020-03-17_00:56:06_df.pkl
: This path points to the folder in which to store the final knowledge graph as an RDF file.
The build process has a high memory footprint, as most of the data processing is performed in-memory. We build the knowledge graph on a machine with 32 GB of memory. By optimizing the code and rewriting the data processing to be performed on disk, it should be possible to reduce the memory footprint by a lot.