I had to do a lot of googling before I found the correct answer. Without a good understanding of WireGuard this can really be annoying to deal with. So I have decided to share my knowledge to hopefully spare someone the headache.
Here is an example of a config file:
PrivateKey = <your PrivateKey>
Address =, <add optional ipv6 adress here if your vpn server suports it>
PublicKey = <your PublicKey>
PresharedKey = <your PresharedKey>
AllowedIPs =, ::/0
Endpoint = <your server ip or dns>
The magic happens in AllowedIPs
, in this example we are tunneling to a local remote subnet. It's important to specify the full CIDR. The ::/0
is for routing IPv6, in this example it is routing all IPv6 traffic through the VPN.
If you want to only route traffic to specific IP adresses;
AllowedIPs = #And so on
It is worth noting that if you are connecting from the same internal subnet as the one you want to tunnel to, for example
you will lose access to your own private network, and all traffic to these adresses wil be tunneled to the remote network.