Version 5.12.0
- Licenses are now seedable through the command line, 2 sets of licenses (including a flemish one) have been created in a separate repository.
- The DCAT meta-data has been updated in order to match all required fields, some adjustments have been made to make the DCAT output more correct (e.g. add license to a distribution, not a dataset)
- SEO optimization with embedded JSON-LD in HTML pages
- MongoDB is now an available datasource
- The application is now available in dutch, french and english and can be selected in the lower right corner
- Incorporate tdt/input by default so larger datasets can be loaded into document stores where they can be queried properly, optimizing the user experience of data consumers.
- Geographical distributions are now advocated in DCAT when the dataset is a geographical one
- Map properties have been removed, all of the data will now be displayed in the map pop-up
- Added a contact-point to the meta-data fields
- XML has been reverted to a more basic support, no more translations to JSON as these were not standardized.
- Added the possibility to track requests in a generic way, Google Analytics implementation is provided, but can be injected with any service (e.g. Piwik)
- Fixed a greedy regex bug in SPARQL statements
- Polished the Map formatter with updated leaflet libraries
For more detailed information, check the milestone issue list.