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PocketFEATURE Library

Teague Sterling, Tianyun Liu 2013-2014

Libraries Included

  • pyFEATURE: Wrappers for calling FEATURE binaries from Python

  • PocketFEATURE: Implementations of PocketFEATURE scripts and utilities in Python

  • FEATUREdb: FEATUREDB Implementation (currently empty)

  • data: Includes default background data for PocketFEATURE


  • Python 2.7
  • BioPython [1.58 or higher]
  • Numpy [1.62 or higher]
  • SciPy (For BioPython) [0.11.0 or higher]
  • sh (For subprocess calling)
  • Munkres (for experimental alignment)


  1. Install Python 2.7 (If needed)

  2. Install pyFEATURE (Dependencies will be installed)

    $ cd pyFEATURE
    $ python install
    $ cd ..
  3. Install PocketFEATURE (Dependencies will be installed)

    $ cd PocketFEATURE
    $ python install
    $ cd ..

Quick Start

Once the installation is complete, the following will give you a quick introduction to using PocketFEAUTRE.

$ cd <pocketfeaturedb directory>
$ run_pf data/1qhx.pdb data/1qrd.pdb \
         -b data/background.ff -n data/background.coeffs\
         --pymolA=/tmp/ --pymolB=/tmp/
$ pymol -l /tmp/ &
$ pymol -l /tmp/ &



Find or list pockets around ligands and write as either a Pointfile or list of Residues.


    # List ligands found in PDB
    $ pf_extract 1fo4.pdb -l
    # Generate pocket around "best" (biggest) ligand with specified PDB
    $ pf_extract somepdb.pdb -i 1fo4 -o somepdb.ptf
    # Generate pocket around ATP (Full Ligand ID and short)
    $ pf_extract 1qhx.pdb 1qhx/0/A/501/ATP
    $ pf_extract 1qhx.pdb ATP -o 1qhx-ATP.ptf

Command Usage:

    usage: Identify and extract pockets around ligands in a PDB file
           [-h] [-i PDBID] [-o PTF] [--log LOG] [-d CUTOFF] [-P] [-R] [-L]
           [PDB] [LIG]
    positional arguments:
      PDB                   Path to PDB file [default: STDIN]
      LIG                   Ligand ID to build pocket around [default: <largest>]
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -i PDBID, --pdbid PDBID
                            PDB ID to use for input structure [default: BEST
      -o PTF, --output PTF  Path to output file [default: STDOUT]
      --log LOG             Path to log errors [default: <open file '<stderr>',
                            mode 'w' at 0x7f05d94f4270>]
      -d CUTOFF, --distance CUTOFF
                            Residue active site distance threshold [default: 6.0]
      -P, --print-pointfile
                            Print point file (default behavior)
      -R, --print-residues  Print residue ID list instead of point file
      -L, --list-only       List residues instead of creating pocket


A wrapper around featurize that allows command line arguments to set or override environmental variables


    $ pf_featurize -P 1qhx-ATP.ptf \
                   --feature-dir=~/FEATURE/trunk \
                   --feature-bin=~/FEATURE/trunk \
                   --pdb-dir=~/db/pdb \
                   --dssp-dir=~/db/dssp > 1qhx-ATP.ff

Command Usage:

    usage: Call featurize in a custom environment [-h] [-P [POINTILE]]
                                                  [-n [SHELLS]] [-w [WIDTH]]
                                                  [-x [HETATMS]]
                                                  [-l [PROPERTYFILE]]
                                                  [-s [SEARCH_DIR]]
                                                  [--feature-root [FEATURE_ROOT]]
                                                  [--feature-dir [FEATURE_DIR]]
                                                  [--feature-bin [FEATURE_BIN]]
                                                  [--pdb-dir [PDB_DIR]]
                                                  [--dssp-dir [DSSP_DIR]]
    positional arguments:
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -P [POINTILE]
      -n [SHELLS]
      -w [WIDTH]
      -x [HETATMS]
      -s [SEARCH_DIR]
      --feature-root [FEATURE_ROOT]
      --feature-dir [FEATURE_DIR]
      --feature-bin [FEATURE_BIN]
      --pdb-dir [PDB_DIR]
      --dssp-dir [DSSP_DIR]


Compute pairwise tanimoto similarities for two FEATURE files based on provided background files.


    $ pf_compare 1qhx-ATP.ff 1qrd-FAD.ff -b data/background.ff -n data/background.coeffs -o scores
    # Default background files are ./background.ff and ./background.coeffs
    $ pf_compare1qhx-ATP.ff 1qrd-FAD.ff > 1qhx-ATP-1qrd-FAD.scores

Command Usage:

    usage: Compute tanimoto matrix for two FEATURE vectors with a background and score normalizations
           [-h] [-b FEATURESTATS] [-n COEFFICIENTS] [-o VALUES] [--log LOG]
    positional arguments:
      FEATUREFILE1          Path to first FEATURE file
      FEATUREFILE2          Path to second FEATURE file
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -b FEATURESTATS, --background FEATURESTATS
                            FEATURE file containing standard devations of
                            background [default: background.ff]
      -n COEFFICIENTS, --normalization COEFFICIENTS
                            Map of normalization coefficients for residue type
                            pairs [default: background.coeffs
      -o VALUES, --output VALUES
                            Path to output file [default: STDOUT]
      --log LOG             Path to log errors [default: STDERR]


Compute the best alignment of a scores file.


    # Using defaults (standard greedy alignment and cutoff of -0.15)
    $ pf_align 1qhx-ATP-1qrd-FAD.scores -o 1qhx-ATP-1qrd-FAD.aligned
    # Cutoff at 0.0
    $ cat 1qhx-ATP-1qrd-FAD.scores | pf_align -c 0 > 1qhx-ATP-1qrd-FAD.aligned

Command Usage:

    usage: Align scores from a PocketFEATURE score matrix [-h] [-c CUTOFF]
                                                          [-s COLINDEX]
                                                          [-m ALIGN_METHOD]
                                                          [-o VALUES] [--log LOG]
    positional arguments:
      SCOREFILE             Path to score file [default: STDIN]
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -c CUTOFF, --cutoff CUTOFF
                            Minium score (cutoff) to align [default: -0.15
      -s COLINDEX, --score-column COLINDEX
                            Value column index in score file to use for aligning
                            [default: 1]
      -m ALIGN_METHOD, --method ALIGN_METHOD
                            Alignment method to use (one of: munkres, greedy)
                            [default: greedy]
      -o VALUES, --output VALUES
                            Path to output file [default: STDOUT]
      --log LOG             Path to log errors [default: STDERR]


Create a Pymol script to visualize the alignment.


    # Assuming default PDB file names, colors and radii
    $ pf_vis 1qhx-ATP.ptf 1qrd-FAD.ptf 1qhx-ATP-1qrd-FAD.aligned
    # Explictly specifying PDB names
    $ pf_vis 1qhx-ATP.ptf 1qrd-FAD.ptf 1qhx-ATP-1qrd-FAD.aligned\
             --pdbA=somepdb.pdb --pdbB=../1qrd.pdb
    # Overriding colors
    $ pf_vis 1qhx-ATP.ptf 1qrd-FAD.ptf 1qhx-ATP-1qrd-FAD.aligned\
    # Viewing PyMol scripts
    $ pymol -l &
    $ pymol -l &

Command Usage:

    usage: Create PyMol scripts to visualize an alignment [-h] [-A CMD1] [-B CMD2]
                                                          [--pdbA [PDB1]]
                                                          [--pdbB [PDB2]]
                                                          [--colors [COLORFILE]]
                                                          [--radii [RADIIFILE]]
                                                          [--log LOG]
                                                          POINTS1 POINTS2
    positional arguments:
      POINTS1               Path to FEATURE point file
      POINTS2               Path to FEATURE point file
      ALIGNMENT             Path to PocketFEATURE alignment
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -A CMD1, --outputA CMD1
                            Path to first command output file
      -B CMD2, --outputB CMD2
                            Path to second command output file
      --pdbA [PDB1]         Path to first PDB file
      --pdbB [PDB2]         Path to second PDB file
      --colors [COLORFILE]  File of 0.0-1.0 RGB colors to use
      --radii [RADIIFILE]   File of point radii to use
      --log LOG             Path to log errors [default: <open file '<stderr>',
                            mode 'w' at 0x7f4e15f61270>]


Run an entire PocketFEATURE calculation, writing out desired intermediate files


    # Only View alignment and scores (using all defaults)
    $ run_pf 1qrd.pdb 1qhx.pdb
    # Produce visualization Scripts and override backgrounds
    $ run_pf ../PDBA.pdb ../PDBB.pdb \
             -b ../background.ff -n ../background.coeffs \
    # Save Pointfiles
    $ run_pf ../PDBA.pdb ../PDBB.pdb --ptfA=pdba.ptf --ptfB=pdbb.ptf

Command Usage:

    usage: Identify and extract pockets around ligands in a PDB file
           [-h] [--ligandA [LIGA]] [--ligandB [LIGB]] [-b FEATURESTATS]
           [-n COEFFICIENTS] [-d CUTOFF] [-c CUTOFF] [-o ALIGNMENT]
           [--ptfA [PTFA]] [--ptfB [PTFB]] [--ffA [FFA]] [--ffB [FFB]]
           [--scores [SCORES]] [--pymolA [PYMOLA]] [--pymolB [PYMOLB]] [--log LOG]
           PDBA PDBB
    positional arguments:
      PDBA                  Path to first PDB file
      PDBB                  Path to second PDB file
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --ligandA [LIGA]      Ligand ID to build first pocket around [default:
      --ligandB [LIGB]      Ligand ID to build second pocket around [default:
      -b FEATURESTATS, --background FEATURESTATS
                            FEATURE file containing standard devations of
                            background [default: background.ff]
      -n COEFFICIENTS, --normalization COEFFICIENTS
                            Map of normalization coefficients for residue type
                            pairs [default: background.coeffs
      -d CUTOFF, --distance CUTOFF
                            Residue active site distance threshold [default: 6.0]
      -c CUTOFF, --cutoff CUTOFF
                            Minium score (cutoff) to align [default: -0.15
      -o ALIGNMENT, --output ALIGNMENT
                            Path to alignment file [default: STDOUT]
      --ptfA [PTFA]         Path to first point file [default: None]
      --ptfB [PTFB]         Path to second point file [default: None]
      --ffA [FFA]           Path to first FEATURE file [default: None]
      --ffB [FFB]           Path to second FEATURE file [default: None]
      --scores [SCORES]     Path to scores file [default: None]
      --pymolA [PYMOLA]     Path to first PyMol script [default: None]
      --pymolB [PYMOLB]     Path to second PyMol script [default: None]
      --log LOG             Path to log errors [default: <open file '<stderr>',
                            mode 'w' at 0x7f5e988d9270>]


PocketFEATURE/FEATUREDB development repositiory






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