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Project: Respite

A virtual art-crawl for design inspiration
Version: 3.10.3
Deployed URL:

Team Charmander Members

Tif Taylor | GitHub | LinkedIn
Chandler Puckett | GitHub | LinkedIn
Jack Nelson | GitHub | LinkedIn

Summary of Idea

We’re creating a Virtual Museum Experience for the user, an app that’s aesthetically pleasing and a welcome break from the stresses of daily life. The app will pull fine art exhibits from an art museum API (Artsy/Rijk/Unsplash to be decided) to display to the user. They will be able to swipe through paintings, photographs, and sculptures as if they were visiting the museum in person; a virtual walkthrough if you will.

  • The user will be presented with a color palette based on the images provided by the API, the color palette will be applied to the user’s “gallery”
  • As a stretch goal the “gallery” will also play music for a complete audio/visual experience

What problem does it solve?

Since we’re all stuck at home it provides a virtual escape from the mundane, and allows art enthusiasts, creatives, or anyone who just needs a break, to browse a virtual gallery of fine art exhibits from around the world. It is a welcome break from the doom-scrolling that can be found on typical social media apps.

MVP - Minimum Viable Product

  • Site provides user with two color palette display options
  • Site pulls images from art API to display to user
  • Stores favorites images / palettes into database


Technology: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Libraries: Node.js, jQuery
Framework: Express

  • "dotenv": "^8.2.0",
  • "ejs": "^3.1.5",
  • "express": "^4.17.1",
  • "method-override": "^3.0.0",
  • "pg": "^8.3.3",
  • "superagent": "^6.1.0"

API's Used:

  • The Metropolitan Museum of Art Collection
    • GET:${objectId}
    • Sample Response:
  • Imagga
    • GET:
    • Sample Response:
  • Forismatic
    • GET:
    • Sample Response:

Database Schema

The schema.sql file contains a table called faves which contains data points from two different APIs
APIs for table | The Metropolitan Museum of Art Collection & Imagga

Domain Model


PM Tool

Credits / Resources

Getting Started

  • Create your own GitHub Repo and build out the base files seen in this repo such as the .env, .gitignore, etc.
  • Create the Server, Database and Schema table
  • Deploy the site somewhere, like Heroku
  • Use the APIs listed in Architecture