This is a simplified intellij plugin example
to reproduce javascript execution using JCEF.
Build file used for this example is sbt.
So, kindly install scala plugin to import this project in intellij.
Once plugin project is imported in IDE, launch jcefUserSelection application.
After launching application, you should see a new instance of intellij.
Now, you can either create a new project, or open any existing project.
Once the project is created/opened, you should see a tool-window option at the bottom.
Click on it to see sample html.
Now, we will try to inject javascript using JCEF apis
with the help of two example actions.
Check the console output of jcefUserSelection application.
You should see console output printed from file.
[AWT-EventQueue-0-1643009600245] : executing java script from action thread
[AWT-AppKit-1643009600279] : string is >:c<
Check the console output of jcefUserSelection application.
You should see console output printed from file.
[AWT-EventQueue-0-1643009638974] : executing java script from action thread
[AWT-EventQueue-0-1643009638981] : now wait for element in queue
Issue :-
javascript injection is not working, if thread that is injecting javascript
wait for the response from JBCefJSQuery handler using SynchronousQueue.