a repo to just host my simple small autohotkey scripts that i make for my own use. feal free to use, modify, contribute.
a simple media control tool for spotify.
- planning to add support for a config file for eazy modification of shortcuts and some user settings as well.
- also, planning to use spotify api to get status instead of the window
media control.ahk, send-keys-to-spotify.ahk, nvdaControllerClient.dll(optional, used to output speach using the nvda screenreader).
- modify the code to change the keyboard shortcuts as needed in media control.ahk
- lonch media control.ahk.
allows you to swich between keyboard layouts. not mutch in there realy.
i will publish if i made anymore auto hotkey scripts.
hope you like them. if you like to improove or add something, fealfree to send a commit request. o, and finaly if you have any bugs, please open an ishue in the github ishue tracker. i will try my best to fix it.