FirstRib-KLV build script PLUG files
The first two PLUG projects are the KLV-Airedale and KLV-Spectr build script .plug file that accompanies the FirstRib build system script that will construct the rootfs for an operating system KLV-Airedale.
example use of a .plug file:
./ void default amd64 f_00_Void_KLV_XFCE_kernel_FRteam-rc8.plug
PLUG f_00_Void_KLV_XFCE_kernel_WDLteam-rc8.plug builds the rootfs for a Void Linux based XFCE4 desktop operating system similar to KLV-Airedale.
To create a complete distro all of the other utilites, tools and configurations are downloaded from a central location and installed either as a .tar.gz or .xbps package.
A wrapper script to assemble a distro could automate this process.