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Jquery Phone Inputs

Manage multiple or unique phone number inputs.



Demo link



Include dependencies:

<script src="" integrity="sha256-FgpCb/KJQlLNfOu91ta32o/NMZxltwRo8QtmkMRdAu8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

Any version of jquery, but preferably a recent version.


Include the plugin script.

<script src="path_to_plugin/dist/"></script>

OR minimized version

<script src="path_to_plugin/dist/"></script>


Phone number input template

Add the template script. This phone number line template is based on Boostrap 4.3. Your can create your own as needed.

<script type="text/html" id="phone-inputs-line-template">
    <div class="row phone-inputs-line my-1">
        <div class="col-sm-12">
            <div class="input-group">
                <div class="input-group-prepend">
                    <span class="input-group-text"><i class="fas fa-phone"></i></span>
                <select class="custom-select"></select>
                <input type="text" class="form-control">
                <div class="input-group-append">
                    <div class="input-group-text phone-inputs-default-checkbox-section"><input type="checkbox"></div>
                    <button type="button" class="btn btn-success btn-sm btn-phone-inputs-add-line"><i
                            class="fa fa-plus"></i></button>
                    <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger btn-sm btn-phone-inputs-delete-line"><i
                            class="fa fa-trash"></i></button>

You can change anything you want in the template but there are some requirements: The phone input line must have a class (phone-inputs-line in the example below). You can use a custom class but you will define it in lineClass option while initializing.

The phone input line must have exactly: one select input for country The phone input line must have exactly: one input[type="text"] input for number The phone input line must have exactly: one checkbox input for the default number selection.

The phone-inputs-default-checkbox-section class is optional but sometimes as in the template below, it is required for good presentation of the checkbox in the line.

Phone number input error template

Add the template error script. This phone number line template is based on Boostrap 4.3. Your can create your own as needed.

<script type="text/html" id="phone-inputs-line-error-template">
    <div class="col-md-12">
        <div class="invalid-feedback" role="alert">

Phone number input container

Add the inputs container

<div class="phone-inputs" data-form-name="phones" required></div>


Initialisation script

    'countriesUrl': '',
    'multiple': true,
    'countryCodeAttr': 'alpha2Code',
    'countryNameAttr': 'name',
    'countryCallPrefix': 'callingCodes',
    'limit': 5,
    'lineTemplate': '#phone-inputs-line-template',
    'inputName': 'phone',
    'required': true


A few options.

Option Default Description
countriesUrl Countries API endpoint
multiple true define is many phone number can be added
defaultCountry null Country alpha 2 code. Example: CM, FR, EN
countryCodeAttr 'alpha2Code' Country alpha 2 code attribute name in the api response
countryNameAttr 'name' Country name attribute name in the api response
countryCallPrefix 'callingCodes' Country call prefix attribute name in the api response
limit 5 You can only add at least limit phone numbers
lineTemplate '#phone-inputs-line-template' Selector of the phone input line html template
lineErrorTemplate '#phone-inputs-line-error-template' Error template selector. it must contain %%error%% key that will be replaced by the current error
inputName 'phone' Name of the input while submitting form: optional when multiple is true
inputCountryName 'country' country field name in the form
inputNumberName 'number' number field name in the form
inputDefaultName 'default' default field name in the form
inputNameAttr 'data-form-name' Attribute of the phone inputs container with define the name of phone number(s) inputs during form submitting'
inputCountryNameAttr 'data-form-country-name' container attribute for country name in form
inputNumberNameAttr 'data-form-number-name' container attribute for number name in form
inputDefaultNameAttr 'data-form-default-name' container attribute for default name in form
dataAttr 'data' default phone numbers to initialize the input
dataErrorsAttr 'data-errors' after submitting data the server will return errors. the format or error will be inputName.index.inputNumberName example: {"phones.0.number": "This number is invalid", "phones.1.number": "This number is invalid"} or {"phones.1.number": "This number is invalid","phones.0.number": ["This number is invalid", "The selected country is not authorized"]}
required true Phone input is required
invalidClass 'is-invalid' class applied to the parent of the error message element
invalidMessageClass 'invalid-feedback' class applied to the error message element


Event Description
phone.inputs.debug Listen to all events
phone.inputs.line.delete When trying to delete phone number
phone.inputs.change When something changed (line added, line removed, default phone number selected)
phone.inputs.line.added New line added
phone.inputs.default.choose When trying to choose the default phone number


Attribute Description
data-form-name containt the name of the form input
data-form-country-name containt the name of the form country select
data-form-number-name containt the name of the form number input
data-form-default-name containt the name of the form default checkbox
required phone number input is required



Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.




JQuery Phone Inputs







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