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⛺ Tent

A jsx-free, super-lightweight and zero-dependency library to add reactivity to the web — without all the nonsense.


Tent is currently in early development. It can be used in production, but there might be breaking changes in future versions. If you're interested in contributing, please submit a PR or report an issue. Keep track of the changes in the CHANGELOG.

⚙️ Installation

npm install @tentjs/tent

⚡ Quickstart

Getting started is very easy. Here's a simple example component that increments a number when the button is clicked. This example demonstrates creating a stateful component, updating the state, and mounting it to the DOM.

import { type Component, mount, tags } from '@tentjs/tent';

// Tags are used to create elements - like `div`, `button`, `span`, etc.
const { button } = tags;

type State = { count: number };

const Counter: Component<State> = {
  // Initial state
  state: { count: 0 },
  // Define the view
  view({ state }) {
    return button(
      `You clicked ${state.count} times`,
      // Add attributes to the button
      { onclick: () => state.count++ },

// Append the component to an element in the DOM
mount(document.querySelector('.counter'), Counter);

💡 Examples

You can find examples for building a simple counter, todo list, a form and more in the examples repository.

👍🏻 Contribute

If you want to support the active development of Tent, there are a few ways you can help:

  1. Give a ⭐ — bring attention to the project.
  2. Tweet about it — share your excitement.
  3. Get involved — join the discussions.
  4. Contribute — submit a pull request.
  5. Buy me a ☕ — thank you for your support!