This is a simple Dockerization of fake-gcs-server (many thanks to @fsouza for that).
docker run -d --name gc-fake-storage -p 4443:4443 matteoscandolo/gc-fake-storage:0.1.0
In case you want to preload some data in gs-fake-storage
just mount a folder in the container at /data
docker run -d --name gc-fake-storage -p 4443:4443 -v /tmp/data:/data matteoscandolo/gc-fake-storage:0.1.0
Where the content of /tmp/data
- sample_bucket
- some_file.txt
- another_bucket
- some_other_file.txt
This will result in two buckets
containing one blob
For a more complex example look into the examples
from import storage
from google.auth.credentials import AnonymousCredentials
import requests
import urllib3
storage._http.Connection.API_BASE_URL = "" # override the BASE_URL in the client library with the mock server
my_http = requests.Session()
my_http.verify = False # disable SSL validation
urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) # disable https warnings for https insecure certs
client = storage.Client(credentials=AnonymousCredentials(), project="test", _http=my_http)
for bucket in client.list_buckets():