RobotFramework AIO version
PrometheusInterfaceInitial introduction of keyword library PrometheusInterface. The interface library PrometheusInterface provides Robot Framework keywords to communicate with the monitoring system Prometheus. With the help of this interface it is possible to use Prometheus to monitor data provided by Robot Framework tests. The monitoring system Prometheus has to be installed separately. Please visit the homepage for that. This homepage also contains a getting started section containing useful hints about how to configure the application. Further informations can also be found here. The entire test setup is described in the main documentation of this keyword library. Example The goal is to count the number of passed and failed tests at two test benches: testbench_1 and testbench_2. Step 1: Import the interface library Library %{ROBOTPYTHONSITEPACKAGESPATH}/PrometheusInterface/ WITH NAME rf.prometheus_interface Step 2: Create a counter for passed and a counter for failed tests (with "testbench" is the name of a label, and not the value of a label with this name; the name of the testbench is also not part of the counter name!). rf.prometheus_interface.add_counter name=num_passed description=: number of passed tests labels=testbench rf.prometheus_interface.add_counter name=num_failed description=: number of failed tests labels=testbench This is usually done in the suite setup. Step 3: Whenever a test is passed or failed on a certain testbench, increment the corresponding counter, passing the testbench name also (here the testbench name is the value of the label with name "testbench"). rf.prometheus_interface.inc_counter name=num_passed labels=testbench_1 rf.prometheus_interface.inc_counter name=num_failed labels=testbench_2 And so on. |
Robot FrameworkIntroduction of New Thread Locking Keywords: In this release, we have introduced two powerful new keywords to enhance thread management and synchronization in your test automation: Thread RLock Acquire and Thread RLock Release. These keywords are essential for managing re-entrant locks (RLocks), providing greater control and safety in multi-threaded environments. Thread RLock Acquire: The Thread RLock Acquire keyword allows a thread to acquire a re-entrant lock (RLock). This is crucial for ensuring that critical sections of your code are executed by only one thread at a time, preventing race conditions and ensuring data consistency.
Thread RLock Release: The Thread RLock Release keyword allows a thread to release a previously acquired re-entrant lock (RLock). Properly releasing locks is vital for avoiding deadlocks and ensuring the smooth execution of concurrent operations.
More details can be found in RobotFrameworkAIO_Reference.pdf chapter "Threading". |
RobotFramework AIO DocumentationAdded documentation of TestResultDBAccess package |
RobotFramework AIO PackagePython Packages
VSCodium Package
Python Package Index (PyPI)
RobotFramework_UDSInitial introduction of keyword library RobotFramework_UDS
This library supports almost UDS services such as Besides, it also provides some enhancement keywords which allow you to use readable service names instead of dealing with hex IDs. Example test case with UDS: *** Settings *** Library RobotFramework_UDS Suite Setup Connect Suite Teardown Disconnect *** Variables *** ${SUT_IP_ADDRESS}= ecu_ip_address ${SUT_LOGICAL_ADDRESS}= ecu_logical_address ${TB_IP_ADDRESS}= client_ip_address ${TB_LOGICAL_ADDRESS}= client_logical_address ${ACTIVATION_TYPE}= 0 ${NAME}= UDS Connector *** Keywords *** Connect Log Create a uds Connector (DoIP) and establish the connection ${uds}= Create UDS Connector ecu_ip_address= ${SUT_IP_ADDRESS} ... ecu_logical_address= ${SUT_LOGICAL_ADDRESS} ... client_ip_address= ${TB_IP_ADDRESS} ... client_logical_address= ${TB_LOGICAL_ADDRESS} ... activation_type= ${ACTIVATION_TYPE} Connect UDS Connector name=${Name} Open UDS Connection Disconnect Log Close uds connection Close UDS Connection *** Test Cases *** Test user can use Tester Present service on ECU Log Use Tester Present service ${response}= Tester Present Please refer to RobotFramework_UDS documentation for more details. |
RobotLog2DBIntroduce new feature to switch the access interface to TestResult's database
Add new optional argument |
RobotLog2RQMFixed issue when importing test case with SKIP status New feature of testsuite
New feature to support project which enable Configuration Management (CM)
TestResultDBAccessSupport added for new interface REST API |