Automatically renew Tailscale SSL certificates for your PiKVM with ease!
- Automatic Discovery: Detects your Tailscale domain without manual configuration
- Certificate Management: Creates and renews certificates seamlessly
- NGINX Integration: Updates NGINX configuration and restarts the service automatically
- Zero Maintenance: Set it and forget it - your certs will always be up-to-date
This tool assumes you have:
- Set up your PiKVM
- Configured the Tailscale integration using the official PiKVM documentation
To install, run the following command on your PiKVM:
curl -L -s "" | bash
After installation, the certificate renewer runs as a system service. You can monitor its status using systemctl:
systemctl status pikvm-tailscale-certificate-renewer
For more detailed logs, use journalctl:
journalctl -u pikvm-tailscale-certificate-renewer
The certificate renewer primarily operates in an idle state but actively watches for the following scenarios:
- Tailscale domain changes
- Certificate mismatchs between Tailscale and filesystem caused by
- Certificate revocation
- Certificate expiry
- Missing certificate files
- Modified certificate files
- NGINX configuration changes
Here's an example log output when a Tailscale domain change occurs:
2024/07/17 04:25:31 WARN cert file does not exist path=/etc/kvmd/nginx/ssl/
2024/07/17 04:25:46 INFO filesystem mode changed to read/write
2024/07/17 04:25:46 INFO wrote cert file path=/etc/kvmd/nginx/ssl/
2024/07/17 04:25:46 INFO wrote key file path=/etc/kvmd/nginx/ssl/
2024/07/17 04:25:46 INFO filesystem mode changed to read-only
2024/07/17 04:25:46 WARN cert or key line not found in nginx config path=/etc/kvmd/nginx/ssl.conf
2024/07/17 04:25:46 INFO filesystem mode changed to read/write
2024/07/17 04:25:46 INFO wrote to nginx ssl config path=/etc/kvmd/nginx/ssl.conf
2024/07/17 04:25:46 INFO filesystem mode changed to read-only
2024/07/17 04:25:48 INFO kvmd-nginx restarted
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
If you have any questions or feedback, please open an issue or start a discussion.