t-factory-agent is the agent on every remote server that need to be managed by the t-Factory-Server. For more information about the architecture of tFactory you can check out https://github.com/tfactory
- Creator
- Installation
- Features
- Contributing
- Documentation
- BugsAndFeatureRequests
- Roadmap
- CopyrightAndLicense
Cesar Hernandez
- Download the [latest release] (https://github.com/tfactory/t-factory-agent/releases) (.war) file and deploy it on any Tomcat 7 instance. JRE 7 or latest should be used the the Tomcat instance.
- Start the tomcat instance.
- Deploy the t-factory-agent.war file
For server configuration see: [t-factory-server] (https://github.com/tfactory/t-factory-server/)
##Features The following service are avialable:
- Return information about the running agent.
- Provided 5 available ports on host server. This ports are used by the t-factory-server in order to create new tomcat instances with valid port (http, jpa, shutdown, redirect and jxm).
- Receives a remote .zip file, name and path inside the host server in order to be copied.
- Unzip and rename the instance template folder previosly downloaded.
- Return standard information of a tomcat instance.
- Update the configuration derived from server.xml from a tomcat instance.
You are wellcome to improve the software. Be sure to check: opening issues, coding standards, and notes on development code.
You can find enough documentation by the generation of the javaDoc of this project.
You can check: open and closed issues.
This is the list of the upcoming features. (Looking forward to have your coding contribution):
- Authentication and Authorization
- Log4j incorporation
- Configure memory parameters to instances when they are created from the tFactory server.
- Configure jmx port parameter to instances when they are created from the tFactory server.
- Instnaces Datasource managements.
Code released under Apache License Version 2.0.