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Asena; Asena UserBot are names representing WhatsAsena software, they can be used interchangeably in the rest of the article.
WhatsAsena - Asena Userbot is Open Source software open to development.
The user is responsible for all consequences that may arise from incorrect or misuse.
Since it is an open source project, anyone can copy the software and make additions and deletions,
can use it in the way that it has customized. In addition, plugin support,
By installing the plug-ins written by the users into the original software, they can
It provides the feature to use them in a way.
Its use is entirely at the user's own risk.
Misuse of the bot will explicitly ban you.
Asena Userbot is just an infrastructure. How to install programs
If the operating system is not responsible for the work done,
WhatsAsena is also not responsible for the purpose and method of use of the users.
Marketing WhatsAsena for money, making it available or having any monetary value
It is strictly forbidden to offer it for sale with anything. From all legal investigations that may arise
the user is responsible.
WhatsAsena - Asena Userbot is Open Source software open to development.
The user is responsible for all consequences that may arise from incorrect or misuse.
Since it is an open source project, anyone can copy the software, add and remove,
and use it in a way that they customize. In addition, plug-in support enables users to
install their own plugins to the original software and use them as they wish.
Using the bot out of purpose will explicitly ban you.
Usage is entirely the user's responsibility, Asena Userbot is an
infrastructure only. Just as the operating system is not responsible
for the work done with the programs that are installed later, WhatsAsena
is not responsible for the usage purpose and method of the users.
Marketing WhatsAsena for money, making it available or having any material value
It is strictly forbidden to offer it for sale with anything. All legal investigations that may arise
the user is responsible.
WhatsAsenaPublic Moded - Moded By Tharu.