Here I will list my open source (or soon to be open source) projects and categorize them.
A somewhat of a Github CV, if you would.
- quantum-lazy-training - Implementation and data for me and my collaborators' paper on Quantum Lazy Training.
- QSVT in Qiskit - Quantum Singular Value Transformation in Qiskit (2021 Qiskit Europe Hackathon)
- QuantumNotes - The notes I write and gather to understand every aspect of Quantum theory.
- Maqenta - Generating music using quantum machine learning models (QuGAN and QLSTM).
- Q - My attempt at researching Quantum Mechanics & Quantum Computing when I was a junior
- parameter-shift - Playing around with different values of shifts for the quantum parameter-shift rule.
- LaserSTM - Simulating non‑linear up‑conversion processes in lasers with LSTMs
- Reimage-GPT - Leveraging LLMs to generate better prompts for Stable Diffusion models.
- FlameThrower - My PyTorch learning playground.
- Intelligence - My projects and assignments for my undergrad courses in computational and classical artifical intelligence.
- DataMining - My projects and assignments for my undergrad course in Data Mining.
- William - Final project of my undergraduate course in Information Retreival.
- ACM-BackEnd - Backend for ACM-ICPC Registration Website in Django.
- 2020-Grad-Backend - Back-End for the graduation website of @aut-ce's class of 2020.
- NetWolf - A Rust client for sending and receiving TCP and UDP packets over a local network.
- Hospital - Recreating a Hospital's website using pure HTML, CSS and JS and Django.
- Remote-Calculator - A simple remote calculator in Go.
- UrlShortener - Most probably the laziest implementation of a URL Shortener in Go.
- isAlive-Service - A simple Python script to tell you in Telegram whether or not your website is still up.
- egirl-blocker - Cleanse your Twitter/X timeline of people who have OF links in their bios.
- MultiCore - My projects and assignments for doing parallel computation using OpenMP and CUDA.
- JTanks - Recreating a Tanks game using Java and its Swift GUI framework.
- - A telegram bot which extracts data from other social media (twitter, instagram, etc) and sends them as telegram messages. #NotPublicYet
- oXo.pdf - A fork of Mozilla's PDF.js to implement additional capabilities such as merging PDFs and cropping pages.
- PersianSubtitleFixer - Fixing encoding issues with Persian (or generally, UTF-8 encoded) subtitles.
- QueraStudentExtractor - A simple Node.JS app (containing the browser script) with transliteration used to extract a JSON of a Quera course's student details. #TA_Tools
- PublicQABot - A telegram bot which gets questions from users, sends it to a responder and finally sends the question with its answer to a public channel. #TA_Tools
- TelegramToSpotify - Convert Telegram's musical channels to Spotify playlists.
- DC - Decompling a (Iranian) book store's app to extract the PDF of books you've already paid for.
- instafollow - Find out who does not follow you on instagram. #NotPublicYet
- Harvard-Stat110 - My lecture notes for Harvard's Statistics 110: Probability course.
- MIT-18.03 - My lecture notes for MIT's 18.031x - Differential Equations course.
- Harvard-AbstractAlgebra - My lecture notes for Harvard's Abstract Algebra course. #NotPublicYet