Syntax highlighting and indentation for Pica200 Assembly language.
(loop subdivision geometry shader example from DevkitPro 3ds-examples)
Package is sadly not on MELPA yet, but you can use use-package with straight.el:
(use-package pica-mode
:straight (pica-mode :type git :host github :repo "themkat/pica-mode"))
If you use the same file endings as the DevkitPro 3ds examples, .pica, and want to use pica-mode on those, you can use:
(use-package pica-mode
:straight (pica-mode :type git :host github :repo "themkat/pica-mode")
:mode "\\.pica\\'")
Clone this repo to anywhere on your machine. Then, in your Emacs configuration, you simply run:
(add-to-list 'load-path "path/to/repo")
(require 'pica-mode)
(where “path/to/repo” is replaced with the actual path to the repo you cloned)
Similarly, if you want to open .pica files in pica-mode:
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.pica\\'" . pica-mode))
Simply install the package and activate pica-mode
in your buffer.