First Release!
- Invert vertical and/or horizontal scrolling for physical mouse scroll wheels independently from System Settings
- Disable scroll acceleration for mouse scroll wheels
- Configure the number of lines to scroll per mouse wheel "click"
- Hide menu bar icon
Other features
- Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.™
- Removed herobrine
These binaries are NOT notarized so you will have to right click the .app
, choose open, and will see a message like this:
The only way for me to get rid of this message is to pay Apple $100 a year. It doesn't make sense for me to do that just to give something away for free. Despite the message saying otherwise, the application does NOT need to be updated, it's built with the latest versions of Swift and all SDKs. Gotta love how they top it off with "Contact the developer for more information" to encourage users to nag developers to pay Apple that $100 a year.
The application makes no connections to the internet whatsoever. Even though "Apple cannot check it for malicious software", you can! If you are paranoid about anything feel free to look at the less than 300 lines of code and build the Xcode project for yourself!